December Horror Challenge: Top 3 Favorite Slasher Films

Are you horror fans ready for the December horror challenge? It is easy and there is hardly anything you have to do! I want to know what your three favorite slashers are. No rules, YOUR favorites. Send me your list with your top 3 favorites (they don’t have to be in any particular order) by December 15th and, at the end of the month, we will tally the votes and announce the “Top 20 Favorite Slasher Films” as decided by you! You can do a small write up for each film and I will feature it on Slasher Studios but if you want to send merely a list with three slasher films, that’s fine too. Simply comment below with your Top 3 slasher favorites or send an email to Please include the year the film was made if the film has been remade or if there are multiple horror movies with the same title. Ready for the slasher fun to begin?
