Indie Horror Review: “Profile of a Killer” Cuts On More than One Level


Out on DVD just this past summer, Profile Of A Killer has hit the scene with a warm welcome. As a huge fan of Indy cinema, I can proudly say that I have become the latest to embrace this thriller flick. The film hits on all cylinders and does a great job of jumping right into the story, grabbing your attention and never letting go. The cinematography, the acting, the writing and the direction all come together to make a cohesive project.

Taking place during a Minnesota winter, skeletons start showing up around Highway 61. The killer, who is soon given the “H-61 Killer” nickname, kidnaps a profiler, Saul, and brings him back to his hideout. Demanding that the Saul performs one last profile, the H-61 Killer continues his madness and the body count rises. Can Saul help save the tone or will the murders continue?

From start to end, the look of this film is outstanding. The camera work and use of lighting really gave a huge boost to the production value. The effects work on the skeletons are also worth noting. Very realistic and creepy. Also realistic, are the performances by the very talented actors. Young and old, these stars shine with every line delivery and add credibility to the film.

The story itself was well told and intriguing. As a huge straight up slasher fan, I was surprisingly taken in by this mystery-thriller. It was out of my norm, but I really did enjoy it. It was not boring, nor did it feature that amateur look that is far too abundant today. I see this film doing great things and you should see it too. The DVD is available on Amazon for purchase and rental here: Profile of a Killer (DVD)
