Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives” (1986)


When Tim starting watching this series, I had a feeling he was going to like “Jason Lives” the most of the bunch. Let’s see if my hunch on that was right…

Thoughts before the film:
After this, I will be halfway through the #FridayThe13th series. And so far, the movies are a LOT better than I remember them. #JasonLives

Thoughts while watching:
0:03 I LOVE the beginning to this one. Even when I was a kid I thought it was awesome.
0:07 Though the way Jason comes back to life makes no sense, they still do it in an awesome way.
0:10 Is it just me or does this one already seem more well put together(production wise) than the other movies so far?
0:13 Haha I love the couple who are driving the car and get stuck.
0:20 Uh oh. Kids.
0:22 AH! I JUST realized the guy who plays Tommy is in Return of the Living Dead 1 & 2. Awesome.
0:23 These paintballers are hilarious.
0:27 Does he think I’m a fart head?
0:36 This one definitely has tons more black comedy than the others. And it works really well.
0:48 There goes Jason and his window fetish again.
0:58 Jason made me jump.
1:01 I like this Tommy so much better than the one in Part 5. He’s more like the kid from Part 4.
1:07 It’s not raining yet. I’m concerned.
1:19 Well it sucks to be you right now, Jason.
1:21 Nooooo not Tommy!

Overall: #FridayThe13th Part VI #JasonLives is a HUGE improvement over the last few movies in the series. It was almost a black comedy, which I think is perfect for this series. It was just a fun movie to watch, I didn’t get bored once and the characters weren’t annoying as hell.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios



Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Friday the 13th: A New Beginning” (1985)


The Final Chapter? LIES!! Of course we are back with another tweet by tweet review as Tim Schilling takes a look at Friday the 13th-A New Beginning. This seems to be a love it or hate it film among many fans of the genre. Does Tim dig it?

Thoughts before the film:
Well,I’m pretty sure Jason died in the last two movies.But Im sure they’ll make a good reason as to how he’s alive now,right? #ANewBeginning

Thoughts while watching:
0:01 This didn’t start with a flashback? Oh man they’re changin’ it up this time.
0:05 I liked Tommy from Part 4, I hope they don’t ruin the character in this one.
0:13 Man you are one scared cat.
0:18 I’m really good at doing laundry.
0:21 These kids are psychopaths.
0:26 Will they ever say what happened to Trish or is it never said like all the other good characters?
0:37 The jumping cat is the only remotely scary thing so far.
0:46 Watching that guy get squished by the tree and belt thing was disgusting.
0:51 Is Reggie’s brother playing the same exact character as be does in Return of the Living Dead?
0:53 Tommy is apparently a ninja now.
0:58 This mother and son shouldn’t be complaining about the people next door. They should be living with them.
1:05 Whoa it’s raining!
1:11 Reggie’s scream hahahha.
1:22 This whole barn thing is very familiar.
1:29 I feel like that ending makes up for most of the movie.

Overall: #FridayThe13th #ANewBeginning again was basically the same thing as the first four movies, with really nothing new except that they tried making a new killer, which obviously didn’t work (until the very last scene, which was kinda awesome in my opinion).

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios



Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter” (1984)


One more tweet by tweet review as Tim Schilling dives deeper into the Friday the 13th series, this time reviewing Friday the 13th-The Final Chapter. Many fans feel this is one of the best, if not the best sequel in the series. Let’s find out what Tim thinks..

Thoughts before the film:
I have a feeling this series streak can’t last too long. Already a quarter way through them! #FridayThe13thTheFinalChapter

Thoughts while watching:
0:01 Whoa! It’s starting off with a flashback!
0:03 Well the awesome title sequence didn’t last too long in this series.
0:10 But Jason got an axe in his head the last movie. How is he still alive?
0:12 Holy Jesus Christmas shit!
0:14 I liked the hospital setting. They should have stayed there longer than they did.
0:19 Who made a stone and buried Mrs. Voorhees?
0:24 Tommy, what kind of freak out was that?
0:31 Pretend dying is so old.
0:33 Is this guy a Jason hunter or something?
0:40 Everyone is so weird in this one.
0:47 What a way to die.
0:49 The cabin these people are staying like looks eerily similar to the Psycho home.
0:51 When isn’t is raining?
1:02 Random super powers activate!
1:18 Jason’s favorite past time is throwing things, people, and himself through windows.
1:24 Someone should just cut Jason’s hands off and none of this would happen.
1:26 Tommy with his head shaven is more scary looking than Jason without his mask.

Overall: While #FridayThe13thTheFinalChapter was still fun to watch, the story is getting a little redundant. I liked the ending, however, but since there’s like 8 more movies left in the series, it kind of ruins it.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios



Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Friday the 13th Part 3” (1982)


Our tweet by tweet reviewer Tim Schilling is back and this time he is taking a look at Friday the 13th Part III. A love it or hate movie in the series, I must admit that I have never been a fan of this installment. Let’s see what Tim has to say..

Thoughts before the film:
Part II was a HUGE improvement over the first one. At this point, the rest of the movies just blur together to me. #FridayThe13thPartIII

Thoughts while watching:
0:02 Flashbacks galore.
0:09 No Ginny in this one? I actually liked her.
0:12 Why can’t I have a rabbit walking around the store I work at?
0:14 Uh that’s fuckin gross I don’t need those sound effects.
0:18 They threw in the most awkward character ever in this movie.
0:21 Holy déjà vu. Can you get that from watching a movie?
0:22 They realized they killed Ralph too early in the series so they had to make this rip off guy.
0:30 I like Shelly. These movies need someone like him.
0:33 I’d go piss on those guys motorcycles. But knocking them over is just as good.
0:36 ….I kinda forgot Jason was in this movie until they just showed him now.
0:41 I hate these bikers. I can’t wait until they get it.
0:54 Don’t do it Shelly! Don’t you hear the creepy music? Not good!
1:01 Pow right in the kisser (I gotta say that at least once in each movie).
1:05 How did you not see a person laying underneath the hammock?
1:09 I always think of the barn scene when I’m talking about this series.
1:24 Jason almost dies like 7 times in this movie alone.

Overall: What’s with all the hate for #FridayThe13thPartIII!? I honestly think it’s just as good as Part II. Likable characters (and dislikable, in the good way), awesome ending (I love the barn scene), and it introduced the famous hockey mask!

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios



Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Friday the 13th Part II” (1981)


Ready for another tweet by tweet review? Tim Schilling is back and this time he is taking on my personal favorite of the Friday the 13th series: Friday the 13th Part 2. Let’s see if Mr. Schilling enjoys the film as much as I do.

Thoughts before the film:
Part two of the marathon begins. I haven’t seen this one in a while, so I really hope it’s better than the first one. #FridayThe13thPartII

Thoughts while watching:
0:03 Alice was the only character I remotely liked in the first one.
0:05 You a psycho biiiiitch!
0:09 I see what you did there. You tried to make it seem like someone was walking to the shower. Real tricky.
0:10 Production wise, this is already a huge improvement of the first one.
0:12 Noooo why Alice!?
0:15 Not this crazy dude again.
0:16 This series really is shot in nice looking areas, I would love to have seen more scenery shots.
0:25 They said it! They said the name!
0:27 I instantly thought of Hatchet when that guy jumped at the campfire. Victor Crowley lives!
0:31 I like these characters so much more than the first one.
0:36 At least there hasn’t been any completely useless scenes so far.
0:38 Honestly 9.999999999/10 times I never see the reason to kill an animal in a movie.
0:40 Run Jason, ruuuuuun.
0:46 A casino? In the middle of nowhere?
0:50 Once the sex and nudity starts it’s horror movie law to start killing off characters.
0:54 Look at that KISS pinball machine in the background.
1:01 Stop killing all the likable characters!
1:05 I just love the bag.
1:09 Whenever I think of Jason, I think of the scene where he like bashes through the window. I have no idea why.
1:12 Pow right in the kisser!
1:15 Did she… Did she pee her pants? Or did I miss something?
1:18 What kinda drugs do you think Jason is on?
1:25 Oh yay the dog didn’t die. Thank you. But that jump scare did get me. Thank you for that also.

Overall: #FridayThe13thPartII is what part one should have been. Though it’s basically the same movie, Part II is done well, has likable characters, and isn’t full of pointless scenes that moves the story nowhere. Bag Jason FTW.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios



Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: Friday the 13th (1980)


Our one and only Twitter horror reviewer Tim Schilling is finally back and this time he is taking on the Friday the 13th series. Today we bring you the first three installments of the groundbreaking franchise starting with the original installment below. Tim has never been much of a Jason fan. Let’s see if that’s changed….

Thoughts before the film:
Starting the whole thing off with the one and only, the original #FridayThe13th

Thoughts while watching:
0:03 Sex in the first 5 minutes of a horror film is always a sign of trouble.
0:05 Rockin’ music. I forgot the title sequence was awesome but simple.
0:11 Ghosts, ha, yeah that’s what’s there.
0:16 Jean short shorts on guys can stay in the 80’s.
0:21 The scene when she jumps out of the car ALWAYS made me cover my eyes when I was younger.
0:23 If you were a flavored of ice cream what would you be?
0:27 Lets destroy the entire room to kill a poor little snake.
0:31 Ralph you’re a creepo.
0:39 Monopoly is my favorite game! I dare someone to try to beat me.
0:44 Can’t you guys hear someone screaming ch ch ch op op op!? They do it every time they are close!
0:56 Crazy people going outside in the rain. Dontcha know you’re gonna die?
1:03 This movie is a period piece.
1:08 What I like about this movie (compared to Halloween and ANOES) you don’t know who the killer is until the end.
1:08 And then they just change who the killer is for the second one.
1:14 Mrs. Voorhees is possibly the only good thing about this movie.
1:17 His name was Jason. He wasn’t a very good swimmer.
1:25 Scenes draaaaag on forever in this. If they were cut to show only what was needed, the movie would be an hour long.
1:30 But wait the last scene with Alice in the boat is one of the greatest things ever.

Overall: I’ll give credit to #FridayThe13th for the awesome idea of a serial killer in a summer camp, but other than that, it’s kinda boring. I didn’t care for any of the characters and there were tons of pointless scenes in it. You may now throw your tomatoes.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios



Tim’s Horror Tweet Reviews: “Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis” (2005)

Our one and only Twitter reviewer Tim Schilling is back with another zombie tweet by tweet review. Tonight he will be looking at zombie sequel “Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis.” The film received harsh reviews from critics and fans alike upon release and Lion’s Gate sent the film direct to Syfy. Does the film deserve its reputation or is there something here that is worth watching? Let’s crack open this zombie and see if the brains are still fresh.

Thoughts before the film:
First review I’m doing in a long time… Don’t ask why I picked this one. #ROTLDNecropolis

Thoughts while watching:
0:02 Chernobyl is such a cool place.
0:08 The zombie rules aren’t consistent in this series. Only part I and II seem to be the same.
0:09 Oh, rain spread the zombie virus, they never did that before.
0:13 Wow this kid is a drama queen.
0:19 So far it seems 90% of this movie is filler just to make it 90 minutes long.
0:28 That dirk bike scene was completely pointless. 15 minutes wasted.
0:32 This is just ridiculous.
0:34 This girl can’t ride a bicycle without crashing but she can ride a dirt bike? Comeon.
0:39 “Nice pooper”… what.
0:50 I don’t understand where all of these random characters are coming from.
0:54 Send more security guards… Nope you ruined it.
1:08 Every single horror movie cliche just happened in one minute. I didn’t know that was possible.
1:09 I don’t want any of these characters to survive the whole movie.
1:17 New drinking game: take a shot every time someone goes to shoot their gun and there’s no more ammo left
1:21 Yes it’s over!

Final Verdict:
I don’t even know what to say about Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis. Like, I’m not one to hate someone’s work and call it shit cause I know the hard work that goes in it but that was just bad

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Horror Tweet Reviews: “Pot Zombies” (2005)

I think horror fans can all agree on one thing, it has been far too long since we’ve had a Tim’s Horror Twitter review. Well, we are back tonight with a brand new tweet by tweet horror review from the one and only Tim Schilling. He will be taking a look at “Pot Zombies.” I know nothing about this film besides the fact that it is probably about stoner zombies and it is probably awful. Am I wrong? Let’s dig in and find out for ourselves.

Thoughts before the film:
About to watch Pot Zombies… What am I getting myself into?

Thoughts while watching:
0:05 I think I’m getting a contact high.
0:09 Sorry we’re late… We’re uh high.
0:10 I keep on thinking my tv is frozen but then I realize half the shots are freeze frames…
0:13 The rock music they play just makes this even funnier.
0:14 LOL zombie blunts.
0:19 I’m laughing way too much at this pizza guy.
0:25 This should be called Acid Zombies instead. Seriously, these guys are on something more than pot.
0:27 Hippie shit!
0:37 Oh okay this is porn now.
0:50 Hhahaha a 6 year old pot zombie?

Final Verdict:
I don’t even know what to say about #PotZombies. You just need to see it. It’s something I actually recommend to watch, it’s hilarious

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Horror Tweet Reviews: “Day of the Dead” (1985)

Our final zombie review for Halloween, our resident twitter reviewer Tim Schilling is here with review of the final installment of Romero’s ultimate zombie trilogy (“Night of the Living Dead,” “Dawn of the Dead,” and “Day of the Dead”) and is ready to take on the “Day of the Dead.” Hampered by a limited budget, this one was thought to be a disappointment when released 27 years ago. Has time been kind to this zombie flick?

Thoughts before the film:
I’m raping your newsfeed today and I don’t even care. Last one of the original trilogy. #DayOfTheDead

Thoughts while watching:
0:01 I pooped my pants the first time I saw this movie. The opening scene was freaky!
0:05 This film has the best makeup out of any of the movies in the entire series I think.
0:15 And how the zombies get smarter over time. Even though Survival of the Dead fucks all of that up.
0:17 The zombie they catch looks eerily similar to the zombie they catch in Return of the Living dead… Coincidence?
0:26 They’re doing all this research for nothing. They haven’t had contact in months…
0:33 Just feed Frankenstein already. He’s obviously hungry.
0:42 These guys really want to go to an island I think.
0:46 This Jamaican dude is awesome.
0:49 No zombie that wasn’t very nice! Now you’re in timeout.
0:54 Bub is my favorite zombie, he’s a badass.
1:04 All of these people are nuts.
1:22 This dude is always trying to drink, even when he’s about to get eaten.
1:25 The last 10 minutes of this movie is one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. So crazy.
1:25 So. Many. Zombies.
1:32 An old nuke silo is such an awesome setting for a movie.

Final Verdict:
#DayOfTheDead is my favorite in the series. I think it’s the scariest one, and has the best characters out of any of the other movies. An awesome setting, and just overall scary atmosphere makes it my favorite.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Horror Tweet Reviews: “Dawn of the Dead” (1978)

Ready for some more zombie action? Our resident twitter reviewer Tim Schilling is back with review of the second installment of Romero’s ultimate zombie trilogy (“Night of the Living Dead,” “Dawn of the Dead,” and “Day of the Dead”) and is ready to take on the “Dawn of the Dead.” Does the series still have bite?

Thoughts before the film:
Let’s hope the power doesn’t go out so I can finish the movie! #DawnOfTheDead

Thoughts while watching:
0:02 I love how chaotic everyone/the world is at the beginning of this movie.
0:10 I don’t get why they made the zombies look blue in this, but it totally works.
0:15 Those moans or whatever you wanna call those noises the zombies make is so creepy. It’s like eerie.
0:19 I always like to think they pass the rednecks from NOTLD.
0:24 Never thought of it this way buy 28 Weeks Later totally referenced this when they got chopped by the helicopter.
0:34 When they turn the music on and kill all the zombies in the mall is such a great scene.
0:49 I wanna know what that monk zombie dude is doing at the mall. I highly doubt he shops there.
0:53 She’s pregnant but still smokes. What a hoe.
0:56 Uh oh I saw JC Penney’s logo! They gonna get sued.
1:01 Using trucks to block the doors is such a good idea. This is why I will survive the zombie apocalypse and you won’t.
1:11 I don’t understand the music choices for this movie sometimes but they totally work.
1:15 Everyone is like slow zombies suck, they’re too weak. But if one basically touches you they rip your skin. Think about it.
1:24 It would just be awesome to get stuck in a mall during the zombie apocalypse. So much free stuff.
1:26 When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.
1:35 I love how they show how much time has gone by. Her pregnancy, the room they stay at, their attitude about everything.
1:38 That and the fact that there isn’t even a broadcast on tv anymore. It’s creepy.
1:42 I love Tom Savini. I would die to meet him one day.
1:48 Every time I watch this movie I see more and more references The Walking Dead does to it.
1:48 Latest one: it’s ours, we took it. The mall and the prison. Ta da.
1:55 I don’t get why that guy had to take his blood pressure when he was getting chased by zombies…?
2:01 It’s kind of an asshole thing to just let the girl go on her own. While she’s preggo.
2:04 And then he gets superhero music when he escapes.

Final Verdict:
Well obviously I love #DawnOfTheDead. Take everything I said about NOTLD and multiply it by like a billion. It’s a huge improvement on a already great movie. Dawn sets up such a good story for the series that it could be taken anywhere and still work.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios
