Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Fairy Tale Horror Movies

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing their favorite fairty tale horror movies. Movies that showed the sinister side of fairy tales and took a turn for the macabre. Show starts Monday August 30th at 10PM central. Make sure to tune in live at the link below and find out which features are sure to make the kids stay up all night long.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Fairy Tale Horror

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Slasher Studios Horror Webcast Archive


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Favorite Horror Soundtracks

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing their favorite horror movie soundtracks. While they discussed their favorite scores before, they have never talked about the horror movie soundtracks that had them hitting that repeat button.. Make sure to tune in live and find out which soundtracks make the killer cut. Monday August 20th at 10PM central.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Favorite Horror Soundtracks


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Underrated Craven Creations

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing their favorite underrated Craven creations. Movies Wes Craven directed that deserve more credit than they typical receive. Join Slasher Studios Monday August 6th at 10PM central to find out which Craven films made the underrated list. Click on the link below to listen in live or to check out an archive after the episode has aired. Make sure to also check the episode list and catch up on any archived shows you may have missed.

Underrated Craven Creations
