Arizona State Unversity was NOT Ready for Teddy

As executive producer and director of TEDDY, we had two goals when we began this project. (1) We set out to create an in-your-face slasher film that would appeal to horror fans and (2) make a movie that we were proud of. We feel as though we achieved both goals. As many of you may know, TEDDY had been selected to the Chicago Fear Fest and received a fantastic review from Cinema Crazed. We thought everyone would love our film, we guess we thought wrong…

Every student coming into the Arizona State University film program is told that they will never be censored. That being said, this movie was not allowed to be shown in this year’s annual capstone showcase. We were shocked at the resistance we got from the capstone committee. One faculty member stated the film was, “troubling and traumatizing.” Our response? “Thanks. It’s a horror movie.”

Fellow students felt that completely censoring the film would do more harm than good. Being able to show the piece and then discuss it afterward would have been beneficial to all. But in the end, the committee wouldn’t budge and we were denied the screening that we had been looking forward to for years.

But this is about more than just us. Several students in next year’s class have already thought about changing their scripts or abandoning them all together in fear of being censored. Could the ASU film program be blocking the next big filmmaker?

Furthermore, we know our friends, family, cast/crew and myself were greatly anticipating this moment. We wanted this to be more about them, than about us. Being able to thank them and for them to see how their support has contributed to making this movie was exciting to us.

Throughout this whole mess, Steve’s professor and many of his fellow classmates have showed amazing support. They wore TEDDY bracelets to show their support during the showcase. We thank everyone who stood up for TEDDY. Steve must also thank his professor for always allowing him to follow his creative instincts. This is definitely a trait every teacher should have.

Please leave any questions or comments you may have. We would love to hear what others outside of ASU feel about this situation.
Thank you,
Steve Goltz
Kevin Sommerfield


3 thoughts on “Arizona State Unversity was NOT Ready for Teddy

  1. GOOD LUCK, Guys at the film Festival, just keep believing in yourselves and you WILL make it! GOOD LUCK TEDDY!!!!!!!

  2. Sorry to hear they wouldn’t allow you to play what I’m sure is a great horror flick. I don’t understand why people have to be so discouraging! I hope that future students stick to the ideas that they have. Wishing you a great time at the horror film festival and hoping to see Teddy in a theater near me!

  3. At least now I know who to blame for all these so called “horror movies” that aren’t scary (or even remotely interesting). I am more shocked at their behavior than I am at these movies. FREE THE BEAR!

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