Tim’s Horror Tweet Reviews: “Pot Zombies” (2005)

I think horror fans can all agree on one thing, it has been far too long since we’ve had a Tim’s Horror Twitter review. Well, we are back tonight with a brand new tweet by tweet horror review from the one and only Tim Schilling. He will be taking a look at “Pot Zombies.” I know nothing about this film besides the fact that it is probably about stoner zombies and it is probably awful. Am I wrong? Let’s dig in and find out for ourselves.

Thoughts before the film:
About to watch Pot Zombies… What am I getting myself into?

Thoughts while watching:
0:05 I think I’m getting a contact high.
0:09 Sorry we’re late… We’re uh high.
0:10 I keep on thinking my tv is frozen but then I realize half the shots are freeze frames…
0:13 The rock music they play just makes this even funnier.
0:14 LOL zombie blunts.
0:19 I’m laughing way too much at this pizza guy.
0:25 This should be called Acid Zombies instead. Seriously, these guys are on something more than pot.
0:27 Hippie shit!
0:37 Oh okay this is porn now.
0:50 Hhahaha a 6 year old pot zombie?

Final Verdict:
I don’t even know what to say about #PotZombies. You just need to see it. It’s something I actually recommend to watch, it’s hilarious

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios
