A to Z Horror: “Friday the 13th Part II” (1981)

Friday the 13th Part II Alice

I have finally watched Friday the 13th Part 2 for the very first time (“F” of #AtoZHorror in August) and I dare to admit that I loved it slightly more than the original, which I love too! This is one of the best slasher sequels I have ever seen along with the likes of Scream 2. I love how the continuing story picked up after the events of the original. Its definitely my favorite installment of the Friday the 13th franchise as of yet.

I thought the characters were very likeable, and my favorite character was of course Ginny played by the talented Amy Steel. Her tour de force performance won me over and I crown her as the best F13 final girl! What a smart, intelligent, witty and loveable character she portrayed! Props… I really liked every kill, loved how some of them were really unexpected and turned into a jump scare. I really dug the score in this as well, done by the always amazing Harry Manfredini! This is such a well done sequel, I fell in love with the characters and I thought it was very fast paced too, no loose ends! I adored the small but memorable part of Adrienne King (Alice) in this movie. The suspensefull final act is hands down my favorite part of the movie cause we saw a strong female heroine being born! I also kind of dug Jason in the sack mask to be honest…

All by all, a fantastic slasher sequel and an amazing installment in the F13 franchise that I highly recommend to all you slasher fans! This is getting an upgrade to Blu-ray from me, that’s how much I loved it! Cannot wait to see the segment of Part 2 on the Crystal Lake Memories documentary and to watch Part 3!

–Ferdi Akkuklak


A to Z Horror: “The Evil Dead” (1981)


I finally watched The Evil Dead for the first time (“E” of #AtoZHorror in August) and this movie took me by surprise! I love how this movie succeeded with minimal ingredients but having maximum suspense! I can even say that I enjoyed watching it more than the remake of last year and I did not expect that to happen. Not only did it have lots of black humor, it also had some fantastic gore effects and make up effects. It was really frightening and disturbing in a lot of parts and I was even grossed out sometimes, which rarely happens when I watch a horror movie.

Bruce Campbell was amazing as Ash! Some comparisons, the remake had more character development and the characters lasted longer, in the original however the movie finds the perfect balance between horror and comedy. The remake was more serious. Both movies have things that work in its favor though. The Evil Dead is a cult classic in the genre and has so many memorable scenes that you can’t forget about this movie too soon. Highly recommend it to every horror fan who wants a killer good time! Can’t wait to watch the sequels, also besides Ash, none of the other characters were really memorable, but that is an obvious observation.

–Ferdi Akkulak


A to Z Horror: “Detention” (2011)


I watched Detention for the first time (“D” of #AtoZHorror in August) and its safe to say that nothing could’ve prepared me prior watching this movie! I can quote this movie as ‘Scream on steroids’ but I still had a lot of fun with it! Its amazing how it accomplished to be the perfect blend of comedy and horror. Sometimes the movie seems to have no limit and that is what I love about it, the jokes do seem far fatched at some point however. The pop culture references to previous movies in the horror/comedy were priceless and really spot on.

I really felt a strong sense of self awareness in this movie and that worked so good! The cast full of newcomers is amazing. Josh Hutcherson is a really charming and likeable leading man and Shanley Caswell is a revelation! I also really liked the supporting role of Dane Cook! The script might have copy catted a lot from previous efforts in its genre but in my eyes it did a really great thing to make it look original. This movie is just a ride you have to experience for yourself. Some may love it, some may hate it, but I was definitely on the side that loved it! Highly recommend it to all of you, who loves a tongue in cheek, self aware horror/comedy with lots of blood and laughs! Detention is a winner and soooo next level in its doings.

–Ferdi Akkulak


Slasher Studios Horror Podcast: Horror Celebrity Encounters

Slasher Studios Webcast

On this week’s Slasher Studios Horror Podcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Andrew Beirl will be discussing the horror celebrities they’ve met at horror conventions and film festivals. Find out which celebrities are must sees and which ones are must to avoids. The fun begins Wednesday night at 10PM central.

To listen live or to check out an archive of the podcast:
Slasher Studios Horror Podcast: Horror Celebrity Encounters


A to Z Horror: “Cherry Falls” (2000) Review


I finally watched Cherry Falls for the first time (“C” of #AtoZHorror in August) and I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It was everything I wanted it to be, plus more! I have to give props to this movie for keeping it real and not borrow too many things from other slasher movies that came before it. It was trying to pay homage to those movies, and I loved the way they did that.

This movie was the perfect blend of scary frights and witty humor. The cast was pretty good as well. The stand out performance definitely belonged to the late Brittany Murphy who was both a vulnerable and very strong female heroine, definitely one you root for. The rest of the cast was pretty solid too, Jay Mohr, Michael Biehn and Jesse Bradford were good in their roles. The soundtrack is also what really caught me off guard, its both atmospheric and especially hip for its own time. Cherry Falls had some pretty great unexpected twists and turns that came out of nowhere, I really liked that a lot! Its nowhere near as good as Scream but its a great standalone slasher with winks towards previous efforts in the genres. The clever script is what is definitely one of the best things and the pacing is really good along with the blood and awesome deaths and of course one kick-ass final girl!

Its not a Scream clone at all, highly recommend this movie to anyone! You will love the ending too and one hilarious scene towards the end! I see what they tried to accomplish with this movie, and well, it worked! This movie needs no sequels in my opinion…

Follow Ferdi on Instagram for more horror pictures/reviews!

–Ferdi Akkulak


Fourth of July Horror: “I Know What You Did Last Summer” (1997)


Most hard core horror fans are not exactly big fans of the meta, self aware, late 90’s style of horror movie that “Scream” so successfully ushered in. Movies like “I Know What You Did Last Summer” and “Urban Legend” were huge hits with the general public but less so with horror fans and critics alike. How dare they create a fun, knowingly mocking type of horror movie? Looking back more than a decade later, it’s easier to see the appeal of these films. They are cheeky, tongue-in-cheek slasher films with hot WB casts gets butchered in interesting ways. Are these great films? That’s debatable. Are they a hell of a lot of fun? You bet. With all that being said, we take a look at the perfect movie to celebrate this Fourth of July, the 1997 slasher hit I Know What You Did Last Summer.

The plot of “I Know” is strictly 80’s slasher fodder. When four friends accidentally hit and kill a man on a road at night, they start to panic and decide to dump the body into the sea. A year later, they all try to settle down again, but one of the friends receives a note in the post, with the words ‘I know what you did last summer’. As each of the friends gains their own reminder, they finally accept the one thing they feared the most; someone knows what happened that night, and now they’re out for revenge.

Tell me you didn’t see THAT coming? “I Know” is silly and the ending has more holes in it than most of the bodies but it’s pleasant enough. This is the kind of old fashioned slasher that we just don’t see today. More emphasis on character and setting (believe me North Carolina has never looked more beautiful) than blood and gore really help this film succeed. Though both male characters played by Phillippe and Prinze Jr. are played as bores, the female characters of Julie and Helen, played by Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Gellar respectively, shine. These girls actually feel like real friends and behave as though real friends would behave. Helen’s chase scene is one of the best I’ve seen committed to film and Gellar screams like a champ. I can’t say “I Know” is groundbreaking or revolutionary but it’s more fun than most horror movies that routinely open today. Plus, the best news? It’s not a sequel OR a remake!


Slasher Studios Slashes Up “Dismembering Christmas” Kickstarter


The Kickstarter for Slasher Studios new slasher feature, Dismembering Christmas, is now live. We need YOUR help to make it happen slasher friends.

A little bit about our film:

Dismembering Christmas is the second slasher feature from Slasher Studios. In 2013, Slasher Studios released our first slasher feature entitled Don’t Go to the Reunion. After playing in over a dozen film festivals and winning several awards (including Best Actress at Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival and Audience Choice at Killer Film Fest), Slasher Studios is back with our latest slasher and we need YOUR help!

A tribute to the glory days of holiday horror, Dismembering Christmas can best be described as Friday the 13th meets Black Christmas. Have you ever wanted a Friday the 13th set in the winter? Well..so do we and that’s why we’ve created this movie just for you. Practical effects from beginning to end, likable characters, and a kick ass final girl…what more could you want in a slasher?

We have some exciting, one-of-a-kind rewards for you awesome slasher fans so become a backer today. We can’t make this movie without you. Let’s make this one Christmas to dismember…forever!

To become a backer:
Dismembering Christmas Kickstarter

Don’t forget to also like the film on Facebook:
Dismembering Christmas Facebook


Indie Horror Review: “13 Eerie” (2013)


The new Canadian horror zombie movie “13 Eerie” stars Canadian horror legend Katharine Isabelle (Ginger Snaps, American Mary, Hannibal). The film follows a group of forensic science student who are taken on a weekend long field trip. Their professor has set them up to deal with real corpses for the first time for examination. But as the day turns to night a few of the students start noticing strange things in the woods and hear strange noises. As their walky talkys (which are the only means of communication) begin to cut out, the groups are left isolated. Little do they know they will be faced with deadly undead corpses thirsty for fresh meat to feed on.

This movie was a pleasant and shocking surprise. After not hearing much about this movie and what was being said about it was negative – I was a little hesitant in watching it. However being a fan of Katharine Isabelle, I knew she wouldn’t let me down. Although this is in no way the best zombie movie ever made, it is still a very decent and highly recommended. There was never any point that I felt bored or let down. At times the acting was slightly off but it was easy to look past it as it wasn’t taking anything away from the film.

Although I was not thrown too much by the jump scares (as there were not many but were handled very well) I found myself feeling uneasy at the tension building suspense in the film and throw out there was an over whelming sense of isolation which made the film very interesting. Gore hounds will very much enjoy this film as there is great shots of gore and blood in this film, and with it being released in the UK as an 18 it was no surprise. I wanted to see more though in the film. I felt that there were a few scenes that were overkill in the cheese factor but overall I very much enjoyed it and would definitely give it a watch again come Halloween time.

The film was released on April 14th 2014 by Mertodome films in the UK. It is out in the US on DVD and Blu-Ray.

–Ross Wilcock


Stephanie Leigh Rose (Don’t Go to the Reunion) Wins Best Actress At Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival


We want to give a big thank you to everyone out there who checked out Don’t Go to the Reunion at this weekend’s Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival. There were a lot of amazing horror films playing from all over the world and we were honored to be a part of the fest. Don’t Go to the Reunion was nominated for six awards including Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Poster, Best Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Horror Feature. We are pleased to announce that our own Stephanie Leigh Rose took home the award for Best Actress. Thank you to the incredible fest and all the loyal indie horror fans out there. Slashers will never die thanks to you.

If you haven’t yet seen Don’t Go to the Reunion and want to check it out, order your DVD below:

Don’t Go to the Reunion DVD
