Slasher Movie Posters: April Fool’s Day Edition

Today at Slasher Studios we are celebrating three slasher films all revolving around April Fools Day. As Hollywood tends to work in pairs and sometimes more, all three of these slashers were released in 1986. Paramount won the title use of April Fools Day and the other two films had to settle with the “lesser” titles Killer Party and Slaughter High. Either way, enjoy the following artwork from the films and let us know which one is your favorite.


“Don’t Go to the Reunion” Now Available For Digital Download


Our very first slasher feature, Don’t Go to the Reunion is now available on Gumroad as a digital download. Download the slasher goodness and play on your ipod, computer, tablets, and any other gory platforms you might have.

Plot synopsis:

Scott Rantzen (Brady Simenson) is a horror movie loving misfit who is teased by the popular students in school. When a date with the very popular and very beautiful Erica Carpenter (Stephanie Leigh Rose) backfires, he feels as though his life is ruined. Ten years later, the gang reunite for their class reunion. Little do they know that someone is waiting for them and ready to see that they pay for what they did. Is Scott back for revenge and will the old gang survive to tell the tale? It’ll be more gore for Class of 04.

To purchase a digital copy:

Don’t Go to the Reunion (Digital Download)


Slasher Studios Heads Back to Horrorhound Weekend


Slasher Studios is headed to Horrorhound Weekend once again! We had a blast at last year’s Horrorhound Weeekend in Indianapolis and we will be returning this weekend to Cincinnati. Come check out our table will lots of Don’t Go to the Reunion goodies including the very first unveiling of our brand new, limited edition Don’t Go to the Reunion VHS. We only have 25 of these bad boys so make sure to get yours early. Thanks again slasher fans for making Slasher Studios everything that it is today. We couldn’t do it without you and we are pumped to see all you slasher fans again.

Not going to Horrorhound and still want to pick up a Don’t Go to the Reunion DVD? Purchase yours below and get a FREE Don’t Go to the Reunion 11×17 poster with your purchase while supplies last!

Get your special edition DVD today.

Don’t Go to the Reunion DVD


Slasher Studios Commentary: Sleepaway Camp


Our second commentary is now available to download! Join Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz from Slasher Studios as they provide you commentaries from their favorite horror films from the 80’s and 90’s. It’ll be a bloody good time so get out your favorites and join in on the slasher fun! This week they take a look at the 1983 “camp” classic Sleepaway Camp. Download for free (or donate a couple of bucks if you’d like) and listen at the link below.

Slasher Studios Commentary: Sleepaway Camp


Women in Horror Month: American Mary


Mary Mason is a young medical student who is dealing with some financial issues and seeks out a job at a strip club to try to get some extra cash to help her money problems. But as things start to look up something horrific happens that leaves Mary Scared and her innocence lost but with the help of her new found friends and a thirst for revenge, Mary leave medical school and travels down a more dangerous road leading to the world of Body Modification.

With this new opportunity Mary knows she will need to get some practice in order to do her job right and what better way to practice then with the people who done her wrong.

This film has to by one of the best and most original Horror films in years. The passion and guts that went into making this is seen from the opening shot. This is a clear example of a horror film done right.

The Soska sisters (Twisted Twins) went all the way in making this fantastic and outrageous tale of a young girls search for revenge. As well as the outstanding directing and writing skills of two of the best and much loved filmmakers in Hollywood right now, their leading lady is none other than the beautiful and talented Ginger Snaps star Katherine Isabelle who captivates and moves the audience in her portrayal of this broken and emotional character.

With an intense and moving horror story, A beautiful and talented leading lady and from the mind of the creators of “Dead Hooker in A Trunk. This film is outstanding beyond belief every second of every

scene you are hooked to the screen, following every intense moment. Along with some dark comedy and some very daring and challenging scenes this film has made its mark on the Horror genre and will be forever loved and admired by anyone who sees it. The story is so brutal yet so real. It is one that can be relatable to many, and with a fan following so strong we can take this film to the stars.

Ross Wilcock


Women in Horror Month: Sharni Vinson (You’re Next)



Most people obsess over the killers in horror films, but ever since I was a young obsessed horror-loving boy, I’ve had a love for the final girls. The final girl is a major staple in the slasher subgenre, as in my opinion you need that one character you root for and you want to live in the end. Over the years there have been some downright great final girls…but the best final girl we’ve had in years would be Erin from You’re Next!
Erin is a wonderful character that you instantly fall in love with right away. She isn’t your clichéd final girl, which I loved. She isn’t a perfect virginal good-girl, and she is the one who convinces her boyfriend to buy a bottle of booze…but there is just something adorable and likable about her right away. The way she wants to impress his family and just the way she acts around Crispian, her boyfriend, you instantly like her. But what truly sets her apart from other final girls is when the horror starts.

The moment the shit hits the fan, she is on the move. She is doing her best to protect herself and everyone else. She really shows how selfless she is when she gets everyone out of the room when the first arrow flies, way before she even runs herself…and then for the rest of the movie she shows how smart she is. Erin is always one step ahead, because the killers think they’re vicious…but Erin is even more so. She uses everyday household tools in ways I’ve never seen before and in one scene involving a blender, I stood up and cheered in my seat…of course I was alone in doing that in the theatre (I got a lot of stares). What brings it all together is Sharni Vinson’s superb performance as Erin. She truly sells her character and she is perfect in every scene. She is adorable, sweet, smart, tough, and just badass. I heard the actress did her own stunts and she really takes a beating in the movie. I hope she sticks with horror, because with more performances like this, Sharni could be the next big scream queen.

I would argue that You’re Next has one of the best final acts in any movie ever. It’s pretty much an extended chase scene and is just Erin pitted against various killers, and this section is just wonderful. It works because Erin is such a great character that we’re so invested in. We want her to live. Another plus is how well developed the character is. I’ve heard people complain that her character wasn’t developed and I actually completely disagree. Yes, she explains the way she was raised later in the film, but even before that we see how she acts with people and through little lines here and there we learn tiny details of insight into her mind. She was a woman who did not have a happy upbringing and she obviously yearns for a normal family and happiness. We know how intelligent she is, and the way she acts with her boyfriend’s family, she is just an adorable person.

By the final scene, I was smiling from ear to ear. We didn’t just get a great slasher film, but You’re Next has given us one of the best final girls ever put to film. I’d rank her with Nancy Thompson and Sidney Prescott as my top three final girls of all time.

–Bryan Ellis


Women In Horror Month: Shanley Caswell


This day in age, we have come across very few Scream Queens who actually make the cut of having potential. Hell, good Scream Queens are hard to come across these days, period. However, Shanley Caswell, is definitely one who has a bright future ahead of her if she continues down the horror genre route.

Shanley Caswell received her breakthrough role to the horror genre in 2012 cult film Detention. Caswell played our lead girl Riley Jones, who is portrayed as being quite the intellectual in pop culture, the horror genre, quick-witted, and the most adorably awkward female lead in horror history. Not only were we given a very fun and strong character to relate to in the film, but it was all in thanks to Caswell’s brilliant performance. She played Riley with such ease, and got so into the role, you could almost believe this was actually how Caswell is as a person. Not only this, but she also gained major points for having a very excellent scream (because let’s face it, you can’t be a Scream Queen with a terrible scream).

Her next major film was the 2013 supernatural hit The Conjuring. Although Caswell played a somewhat minor role as one of daughters in the film, she still brought a solid performance to the role when it came to expressing her fear during the film’s supernatural occurrences. She also was fortunate enough to be featured in one of (if not the most) creepiest moments and the biggest jump scare in the film involving one of the ghosts on top of her wardrobe.

Besides these two major films, Caswell also has the Direct to Video horror film Snow White: A Deadly Summer where she plays a modern day Snow White, and the upcoming film High School Exorcism under her resume.

Shanley Caswell has all of the elements to be a brilliant addition to the Scream Queen list. She’s beautiful, she can get completely into character, and most of all, she can scream. Many of us can only hope that we will see Caswell grace us in more horror films in the future. Especially this horror fan.

–Cody Landman


Cohort Pictures Announce Dark Horror Short, VANITY


Manchester-based production company, Cohort Pictures are proud to announce that production is set to begin on their latest short horror film, entitled Vanity, with filming set to begin in April 2014.

Written by Patrick O’Brien, Vanity will be directed by award-winning director Courtney Edwards (Clench) and produced by Maxwell Jones.

Vanity is only one chapter in the life of an enigmatic young man named Julius Crowley and follows the story of a young woman, Elizabeth, who has accepted an invitation to join him for dinner at his manor house, despite only meeting the day before. However, it isn’t long before her night in the company of the charming stranger takes a most unexpected turn.

Writer Patrick O’Brien will take on the role of Julius, while casting continues for the remaining roles. O’Brien had the following to say, “My hope is that, with Vanity, we are able to offer horror fans a fresh take on a tired horror mainstay. However, we can only do it with your help and every penny raised will be put to good use and visible onscreen”.

A crowd-funding campaign is currently underway at Indiegogo to raise funds for the project which promises to be a “sinister and unconventional horror film for fans of American Psycho, Hannibal and Dorian Gray”.

A link to the campaign can be found HERE.
For more information, LIKE Vanity on Facebook or Twitter


Slasher Studios Celebrates Women in Horror Month


ATTENTION HORROR FANS! February is Women in Horror month. To celebrate at Slasher Studios we want to feature YOUR write-ups of your favorite women in horror. Whether they be powerful Final Girls, fantastic Scream Queens, or triumphant female horror filmmakers…we want to hear about your favorites. Send us your write ups either as a PM or to our email at We want to feature as many as we can in the month of February, so have fun with it and let’s celebrate!
