New Irish Horror Film Animated By Children‏ Makes Scary YouTube Debut

This Halloween brings a third feature from Graham Jones whom VARIETY calls “a very talented director”.

THE GREEN MARKER SCARE is an Irish horror movie animated by children that contains virtually no sex or violence but which according to Jones may be even scarier as a result.

“Explicit or effects-driven stuff has never interested me as a filmmaker,” Jones says. “It’s always been my sense that what you don’t show is more powerful. I’d wager THE GREEN MARKER SCARE is more disturbing than any big-budget American horror this year because not only does it deal with people who prey on children but was actually animated by a group of children. It has a terrible authenticity.”

A father of three himself, Jones ensured that he was ethical in the making of the film and has a history of dealing provocatively with challenging issues like suicide, nomadic communities and schizophrenia in his movies and books. He also favours female protagonists. The main character in THE GREEN MARKER SCARE is an Irish girl-sleuth called Noreen who discovers that something very sinister is taking place in her small country town.

“We decided to start with the old mold of the girl-detective,” Jones says. “But instead of giving her harmless art burglars to deal with, throw her the worst thing imaginable and watch her mind grapple with it. The penny still hasn’t dropped about Ritual Abuse in the 21st century and that made it interesting for a naïve cartoon character to stumble across.”

Jones’ new film is also unusual in terms of distribution which is testament to how much the media landscape has changed since he began making films. His debut HOW TO CHEAT IN THE LEAVING CERTIFICATE went on general release in cinemas all over Ireland, his second movie FUDGE 44 offended Japan on DVD and now his third THE GREEN MARKER SCARE is premiering online until the end of November:


“In The Dark/Night Terrors” Back for Halloween!

For those of you that missed the first two episodes of the horror anthology series IN THE DARK (formerly known as Night Terrors), the award winning “Dummy” and ”The Keeper”, are being shown in a new episodic format debuting every Sunday and Wednesday in October. It’ll be your last chance
to see them before the IN THE DARK anthology feature is released next year and they are taken out of circulation. Filming begins on the next two segments this month in Nashville, TN.

Check the series out here:


October Challenge: Horror Filmmakers Edition

Attention horror filmmakers: Is there a particular horror movie that started your love for the genre and made you the horror filmmaker you are today? At Slasher Studios, I would love to get 31 write ups (one for each day in October) from various horror filmmakers on the film that most inspired them to become a horror filmmaker. If you are a horror filmmaker and interested in doing a write up, let me know. I will feature it, as well as the movies you have worked on, next month on the site. The write up can be as short or as long as you’d like it to be. Also, pass the word on to other horror filmmakers. I hope to get a wide variety of films here. It doesn’t even matter if more than one filmmaker covers the same movie, I just want to hear your story on the film. I need your write up by October 5th, just email it to info @ (no spaces). Thanks again! This will be a Halloween to remember.


“Teddy” and “Blood Brothers” Official Selections of the Oshkosh Horror Film Festival

We are proud to announce both “Teddy” as well as “Blood Brothers” have been chosen as official selections of the Oshkosh Horror Film Festival. Celebrating anything and everything midwestern horror, the film festival is twelve hours of awesome horror starting at noon on October 6th and lasting until midnight. Admission is only $5, so we hope to see all you midwestern slasher fans at the screening. This will also be the world theatrical premiere of our latest film “Blood Brothers.” Also screening at the festival will be the winner of Best Gore at Elvira’s Horror Hunt, the delightfully disturbing “Baby-Sitting”, as well as the winner of Best Short, the beautifully grotesque “Other.” It’s going to be a hell of a good time. Support independent horror!

For more information on the film festival:
Oshkosh Horror Film Festival


Slasher Studios Presents “Tales From Horrorhound Weekend” (Part Two)

As the fire alarm rings inside the lobby of the Marriott just after midnight, Kevin and I take off to the hotel bar and quickly order a couple drinks in fear the fire was going to force us out. About 5 minutes and $14 later, the alarm silences and the massive party continues. False alarm. With hundreds of insanely drunk horror fans taking over the hotel, it was a miracle that this was the only prank alarm pull. The parties at Horrorhound Weekend were to die for. Lots of people, lots of alcohol and lots of fans talking slash.

Slasher Studios quickly found a warm home with a few fellow Wisconsin filmmakers as well as a few horror fans from around the country. Having walked a few blocks from our hotel to the convention party, and in no shape to walk back, we were given a ride by two new friends of Slasher Studios: Kyle and Alyssa from Buffalo, NY. Horror and Sci-Fi fans to the max, they made the long car ride to spend the weekend meeting some of their favorite movie stars. They were great to talk to get to know and hope to see them at future conventions as well. So, not long before sunrise, we pilled in their rental and headed back to the warm and sticky Radisson down the road. We found some food in the bottom of the cooler, popped in a movie and called it a night.

As we awoke the next morning…err afternoon, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day for more movies and anything and everything horror related. Before heading to the convention, we stopped for lunch at Jack In The Box. It’s been a while since I had seen one, so I made the stop and ordered and hand full of tacos. Back at Horrorhound, we checked out some more booths and met a few new people as well. But all day our minds were on one thing: the awards ceremony. Later on at 7:30, the awards presentations began with the great Elvira and Peaches Christ as the two hosts of the event. With Teddy as just one of 13 short films selected, we were crossing our fingers, but new that there were many great films. The winner was to receive a paid trip to LA and have a red carpet screening of their film. Very, very cool.

Although Teddy didn’t come away with the big win that we had hoped for (Best Short went to the very deserving sci-fi flick “Other”), the incredible support of complete strangers made the trip worth every penny. People stopped us in the hallways and wrote to us online saying that they saw the film and were now big fans of Teddy and Slasher Studios. I’ll mark that up as a win anyday.

Later on that night, after watching Chopping Mall in the hotel (on my computer because the TV in the room was so old it didn’t have and hookups for the DVD cord), we headed back down the the Marriott and was astounded my the massive amounts of people EVERYWHERE! The place was packed, the drinks were flowing and everyone was having a great time.


Why I Hate Stephen King’s “Pet Sematary”

I dislike Pet Sematary so greatly I have been avoiding this page (Slasher Studios Horror Film Club) since the posts regarding them have gone up in the last day or two.

Pet Sematary 1 and 2 are quite possibly the most miserable movie(s) I have ever had the displeasure of seeing in my entire life. Both of these movies make me so miserable that I am depressed even writing here now about them. I think few movies have ever evoked such a visceral response from me or such strong feelings with the exception of Monster’s Ball. I like horror movies-but I feel like these are nearly real life horrors (with the exception of the dead rising from the grave…no wait…not really yet en masse) that we all have to deal with everyday-lumped into one misery fest.

I have never seen the awfulness that life can be lumped in so much into two films. Death (of children, pets and family members), loss, the sadness that is the hope that one day our loved ones will return to us somehow/somewhere, the sadness of seeing the desperation that one day they will return and the ultimate resolution that “dead is better” because the hopes and dreams of all humans have failed and become perverted and destroyed, bullying, divorce, shitty step-parents, abusive situations, incurable disease…you name it, it’s in these two films. Any horrible situation you can possibly imagine is pretty much represented in these movies. I see horrible real life everyday-I don’t need it force fed down my throat in a tube over the course of two hours.

Zelda is pretty nightmare inducing…she looks like you might catch it if she touches you…

I’m truly not trying to offend those that like and enjoy the films, here…just sharing my opinion! Next up…favorite Stephen King movie ( that I have not reviewed yet)! I look forward to reading everyone’s reviews…

–Kat Kitty


Death of the Day: Kids on Raft—“The Burning” (1981)

We are starting a new segment at Slasher Studios entitled “Gore Galore.” In this new segment we will be covering our favorite death scenes. What better death scene to start with that the wonderfully grisly raft scene from “The Burning.” As our fellow horror correspondant Jeffrey Lee states “Tom Savini is THE maestro of special effects! His work is so brilliant that it becomes a character in the movie that he’s working on. In this scene there are 5 over-the-top deaths in 30 seconds! It’s in your face, super gory, and makes no apologies. This scene proved Cropsy to be one of the most brutal killing machines in slasher history!”


Tim’s Horror Tweet Reviews: “Voices” (2008)

Tim Schilling hasn’t had a lot of luck with the horror genre lately. Our resident Twitter film critic has given 1 “Teddyhead” to four of the last five horror movies he has reviewed. Today he is back with a brand new review of a After Dark Horrorfest selection “Voices.” Will it break his “bad movie record” or will it be another terrible flick to add to the burn pile?

Thoughts before the film:
#Voices is the only movie from After Dark Horrorfest 3 that I haven’t seen yet, hopefully it ends on a good note! Also, this movie is in Chinese or something and has subtitles and isn’t dubbed. This may be difficult.

Thoughts while watching:
0:03 Whenever I watch an Asian film I can’t tell if the actors are really good, or just don’t care about the performance.
0:05 I wish my high school had fencing as a sport.
0:08 I wonder If she’ll really get in trouble for hugging a guy…
0:14 Geez, these guys know how to make a fucked up movie.
0:20 I’m kinda scared to go to any Asian country with all of these curses their movies say they have.
0:27 You must be kinda crazy if you’re the smartest kid in an Asian school.
0:29 The school doesn’t call her parents that their daughter killed someone…?
0:33 Your teacher tried to kill you, why don’t you tell anyone!?
0:40 Everyone wants this bitch dead, if she would die so many other lives would be saved!
0:41 I don’t get it, are there police in Asia!? Just call them!
1:02 Trust no bitch.
1:09 Use your fencing skills and fuck shit up!
1:09 …or get stabbed before you can even get to the sword.
1:17 Just die so you can stop this curse already!

Final Verdict:
I haven’t seen many Asian horror films, but I really dug #Voices. Good story that was really messed up, shot very good and awesome music, It was kind of depressing how messed up it was though. But I’ll be watching more Asian movies soon if they’re similar.

To follow Tim on twitter:
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter:


Terrifying New Wordface Concept Art from IFC Midnight’s “Rites of Spring”

A Slasher Studios Exclusive! We have for you two brand new concept art pics of mysterious monster “Wormface” from all the new IFC MIDNIGHT film RITES OF SPRING. The film is written and directed by Padraig Reynolds and stars AJ Bowen, Anessa Ramsey, Sonny Marinelli, Marco St. John and Katherine Randolph. Keep an eye out as Slasher Studios will have a review for the brand new flick before the end of the week!

In the film, a group of kidnappers abduct the daughter of a wealthy socialite and hide out in an abandoned school in the middle of the woods. But feelings of guilt soon overtake the kidnappers, dividing the group and putting their entire plan in jeopardy. The evening further spirals out of control when their poorly chosen hideout becomes a hunting ground for a mysterious creature that requires springtime ritualistic sacrifices.

In Theaters and Available Nationwide on IFC Midnight Cable VOD and Digital Outlets (SundanceNOW, iTunes, Amazon Streaming, XBOX Zune, Playstation Unlimited) on July 27, 2012.


Terrifying New Clips From “The Pact” Sure to Give You the Chills

As a Slasher Studios exclusive, we have two brand new clips from the upcoming horror flick from IFC titled “The Pact.” Looks like a hair raising good time for those that love their chillers ice cold.

After their mother passes away, sisters Nicole and Annie reluctantly return to their childhood home to pay their last respects. While staying overnight in the house, the sisters sense a mysterious presence in their midst: noises startling them in the night, objects moving about, a fallen picture of an unknown woman posed next to their mother. Annie begins experiencing a series of intense and disturbing dreams – visions that lead her to uncover something terrible about her mother’s past that is finally revealing itself.

Available Now Nationwide on IFC Midnight Cable VOD and Digital Outlets (SundanceNOW, iTunes, Amazon Streaming, XBOX Zune, Playstation Unlimited). In theaters starting THIS FRIDAY July 6, 2012.

To view THE PACT trailer and get more information:
