Filmmaker Noah Nicholas Nelson has been a good friend of Slasher Studios for a long time now. In addition to being an aspiring filmmaker, he has also created some amazing artwork for our upcoming film IRRATIONAL FEAR. Today we had a chance to chat with Noah about his upcoming horror film PROM QUEEN, which is currently slashing up Indiegogo.
How would you describe your history with the horror genre?
I’ve religiously watched horror since virtually the day I was born. My grandma and older brother were always devoted horror fans, so I had a huge VHS collection accessible at both my home and any time I visited my grandma’s house. One of my first cinematic experiences I remember is watching The Car (1977) with my grandma. Although classified as a thriller, I still remember it being my introduction to how cinematic wide landscapes and the use of letterbox can be and I would still credit it for influencing me seek out thrillers and genre-benders as I got older. Despite being only 17, I make it my mission each year to broaden my horizons and knowledge of cinema. Dario Argento has always been my favorite horror director since discovering Suspiria. I’m still fascinated to this day by how much effort he put into every single frame of that film. Each shot could be framed in a museum. It’s that jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Excuse me for always finding a way to incorporate my undying love for Suspiria in each interview I do. It’s tradition at this point.
What made you decide to write Prom Queen?
I’ve always had a fascination with looking through old family photos and school yearbooks. There’s something magical about finding a special memory that strikes a chord. I’ve looked through some yearbooks where people will point out “oh, s/he was very popular!” and you always sort of wonder in the back of your mind what happens to those kids who were flying high in school. This is a story of where those people are now blended into the realm of horror/thriller.
What about this story makes it stand out from the other horror movies being made today?
At its core, this is a very cat-and-mouse type film. Simplicity has been my greatest demand regarding any ideas that me or my co-writer have thought of. I’ve studied some of the storytelling techniques of classic horror/thriller films from the ’60s and ’70s, even as far back as the ’30s to tell this tale. I think keeping the story focused around this woman who feels toxic to everyone around her can create horror within itself — perhaps moreso than the villain can supply.
Tell us about our current Indiegogo campaign for Prom Queen.
The campaign was created to raise as much funds as we could to make this the best it can possibly be. There was a great chance of the film being made without the campaign, but I can certainly say that it wouldn’t be half the film it will be without the support we’ve received. There are some incredible rewards for our gracious backers, including extremely limited-edition DVDs. There is a strong chance that less than 20 DVDs will ever be produced, so this is a very rare chance to own the film on physical media.
When/where do you plan on filming?
Filming will begin in my hometown in North Carolina in the early summer. I’m keeping cast and crew as local as I can, but I can promise that this will not compromise the quality of the film. Everyone involved is working their absolute hardest to make sure that this is the best it can possibly be with the resources available.
What plans do you have for the film once filming is complete?
I plan to have a final cut ready for release by this winter. Release will primarily be VOD, but as previously mentioned, a very limited DVD run will be available.
What specifically do you want to bring to the horror genre with this film?
I want to show that low-budget horror can be thrilling and chilling with a lot of heart. Each scene in this film (excluding the death scenes, of course) is deeply personal in some way — some of which I won’t reveal the reasons — but each scene was carefully devised to reflect a time in my, my family, or my friends’ lives. I want to bring “writing what you know” to a new and frightening level.
Where can readers go to find out more?
The film has official Facebook and Twitter pages. You can also find us on IMDb and Letterboxd.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pq2017
Twitter: @pq2017
IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6502818/
Make sure to become an Indiegogo backer today and support indie horror!!