Slasher Studios Presents: Killer Posters from the FRIDAY THE 13TH Series

What better way to celebrate Friday the 13th and the 36th anniversary of the original film than showing off our favorite Friday the 13th art. Today we showcase some beautiful art for one of our favorite slasher franchises of all time, Friday the 13th. Whether it’s fan art or official, we are selecting our favorite poster from each entry in the original series (1-8). Which Friday the 13th posters make your must kill list?

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Art credit: unknown

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Art credit: Jeff Zornow

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Art credit: Jeff Zornow

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Art credit: unknown

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Art credit: Phantom City Creative

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Art credit: Chris Garofalo

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Art credit: unknown

Beautiful posters for a beautiful and iconic franchise. The Jason Takes Manhattan poster above is my favorite horror poster of all time. Simple, clean, and elegant. How I wish it were the official poster.

–Noah Nicholas Nelson


Playing Favorites: The Best of the Best Horror Movie Documentaries


Here’s my new and improved “official” list of my all time favorite horror documentaries. These are all documentaries that makes me want to go to the horror VHS section of my mom & pop video store all over again. If there is a horror doc that you feel I am missing, feel free to comment below. Otherwise, keep slashing everyone!

Runners Up:

“American Nightmare”
Horror films have often been more than simple scares. At their best, they reflect society’s anxieties and concerns. In this film, major horror film makers such as George Romero and Tobe Hooper discuss the creation of their films in the 1960s and ’70s and how they related to contemporary events while interviewed intellectuals give their own opinions. Very specific genre piece that works in fits and starts. I enjoyed listening to the social commentary of the groundbreaking 60’s and 70’s films (“Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and “Last House on the Left” are especially informative) but the film itself is a bit dry.

To order: The American Nightmare – A Celebration of Films from Hollywood’s Golden Age of Fright


“Boogeymen: The Killer Complication”
“Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation” is a horror compilation video released in 2001 by FlixMix. Marketed as “The Killer Compilation,” the film consists of seventeen scenes from notable, revolutionary horror titles, along with short screens describing the movie’s villain of choice. Ho-hum to say the least. The deaths chosen for each film are actually fairly lame (out of all of the cool “Friday the 13th” deaths, they chose “Jason Goes to Hell”) and some of the “best” killers are pretty mediocre (I would never put “The Guardian” on my top list for ANYTHING). Also, many of the deaths are in full screen. It’s a nice effort with a good commentary by Robert Englund but overall it’s not as good as it could have been.

To order: Boogeymen – The Killer Compilation

“Nightmares in Red, White and Blue: The Evolution of the American Horror Film”
An exploration of the appeal of horror films, with interviews of many legendary directors in the genre. This doc covers the horror genre from the very beginning (20’s and silent films) to today’s horror marketplace (remakes and torture films). This doc is interesting at times but like “American Nightmare” is can be a little dry and there is a bit too much talking head commentary. It’s a well made documentary but doesn’t really get interesting until the subjects talk about the slasher flicks.

To order: Nightmares in Red, White and Blue: The Evolution of the American Horror Film


“His Name Was Jason: 30 Years of Friday the 13th”
“His Name Was Jason” details the series, cat, crew, concept and cinematic villain up until its re-imagining and trigger of success. It features also fan reflections from other directors inspired by the franchise or actors heavily influenced by the stereotypical transfusion. It features interviews with image gallery backgrounds from Sean S. Cunningham, Adam Markus, John Carl Buechler, Jason Isaac, Joseph Zito, Seth Green, Todd Farmer, Tom Savini as host guiding you through a tribute montage before directing you to its features with all the actors who portrayed the homicidal hockey masked Jason Voorhees.

This doc piece has a LOT of problems. The first one being that 90 minutes simply isn’t enough time to cover 11 movies. Everytime the doc seems to be getting interesting, it cuts to the next movie. Also, I could care less what other horrormakers have to say about this series. I want to hear from the cast and the crew of THESE films. A missed opportunity.

To order: His Name Was Jason: 30 Years of Friday the 13th (2-Disc Splatter Edition)


“Scream: The Inside Story”
In 1996, the horror master Wes Craven (“A Nightmare on Elm Street”) unleashed “Scream”, a slasher movie aimed at a whole new generation of teenage movie-goers. Though premiering at a time when horror movies were in decline and plagued with an array of start up problems, Scream went on to shatter box-office records for horror films, earning well over $100 million in domestic box office receipts, revived Craven’s career and turned first-time screenwriter Kevin Williamson and a group of hot young television actors (among them Neve Campbell, Skeet Ulrich and Rose McGowan) into overnight stars. The film became a huge success, spawned three sequels and single-handedly revived the horror genre. “Scream: The Inside Story” features all-new interviews with Wes Craven, Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Jamie Kennedy, Rose McGowan and Matthew Lillard along with the many other cast and crew. A pure fun doc piece that really sets the tone for how an entertaining doc can be done on one specific movie. Only downside is that if you aren’t a fan of “Scream”, there is nothing here for you whatsoever. Also where’s Courteney Cox and Drew Barrymore?



5. “Halloween: 25 Years of Terror”
Narrated by P. J. Soles and featuring interviews from many of the cast members as well as filmmakers of the Halloween films and a lot of footage from the series as well. It has panel discussions with members from the casts and crews of most of the “Halloween” films, plus other celebrities and filmmakers such as Rob Zombie and Clive Barker as well as film critics. All of the panel discussions took place at a 25-year Anniversary convention in Pasadena, California (one of the filming locations of the original Halloween) in October 2003. It also has extended versions of interviews featured in the documentary.
A very fun documentary that tells many stories that fans of the series may not have known about. I had no idea the production problems on “Curse of Michael Myers” or the fact that Danielle Harris had a stalker come to her house after filming “Revenge of Michael Myers.” This works thanks in part to the fact that it ignores the mistakes of “His Name Was Jason” to concentrate fully on the series itself. I also love it when the filmmakers themselves admit they may have been wrong at times (killing off Rachel at the beginning of “Revenge”).

To order: Halloween: 25 Years of Terror

4. “Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film”
The film is a historical and critical look at slasher films, which includes dozens of clips, beginning with “Halloween”, “Friday the 13th”, and “Prom Night”. The films’ directors, writers, producers, and special effects creators comment on the films’ making and success. During the Reagen years, the films get gorier, budgets get smaller, and their appeal diminishes. Then, “A Nightmare on Elm Street “revives the genre. Jumping to the late 90s, when Scream brings humor and TV stars into the mix. Although some criticize the genre as misogynistic, most of the talking heads celebrate the films: as long as there are teenagers, there will be slasher films.

“Going to Pieces” might just be the best documentary I’ve ever seen about the history of the slasher film. From beginning to end, this documentary is full of facts with comments from filmmakers such as Wes Craven and John Carpenter. I wish they would have included more in the film on the 70’s slasher films. It really pisses me off when people say that “Halloween” is the granddaddy of slasher films without giving “Black Christmas” ANY credit. Still this is a well made doc with some interesting tidbits sprinkled throughout.

To order: Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film


3. “Best Worst Movie”
In 1989, unwitting Utah actors starred in the undisputed Worst Movie in History: “TROLL 2”. Two decades later, the legendarily inept film’s child star unravels the improbable, heartfelt story of an Alabama dentist-turned-cult movie icon and an Italian filmmaker who come to terms with this genuine, internationally revered cinematic failure.

Probably the most heartfelt doc on this list, this movie examines the perspective of a “bad” movie from all angles. From the fans to the filmmakers to the cast, everyone talks about their experience. It’s a really sweet doc that I wasn’t expecting to find much weight behind but it’s one of the best experiences watching a movie that I’ve ever had in my life. Just because something is “bad” doesn’t mean it can’t be loved.

To order: Best Worst Movie


2. “Crystal Lake Memories”

We actually reviewed this documentary in depth on our podcast. Click on the link below to check it out. **Spoiler alert: We loved it.**
Slasher Studios Visits Crystal Lake Memories


1. “Never Sleep Again”

“Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy” is a 2010 American four-hour direct-to-DVD documentary film that chronicles the entire Nightmare on Elm Street franchise and the rise of New Line Cinema. Written by Thommy Hutson, produced by Daniel Farrands and Thommy Hutson, and co-directed by Daniel Farrands and Andrew Kasch. Heather Langenkamp, who portrayed Nancy Thompson in three of the Nightmare films, served as the project’s executive producer and narrator.

The best when it comes to horror documentaries. This movie gets every single detail right. The first thing that you will notice is that the doc is four hours long. Well, let me tell you it doesn’t drag…not for one second. All eight movies are examined in great detail (each given at LEAST thirty minutes of screen time) and just about every single person imagined is interviewed for the piece. They talk about the production problems, script problems, distribution problems….you name it, and it’s here. Not a puff piece by any measure, just good filmmaking from a group that always wanted to make the best movie possible. Something sorely missing today.

To order: Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (2-Disc Collector’s Edition)



night school

This week marks three years since we began principal photography on our very first slasher feature, DON’T GO TO THE REUNION. For our bloody anniversary present, we want to share the gory love with you. All week long, purchase DON’T GO TO THE REUNION or DISMEMBERING CHRISTMAS on DVD and you’ll receive a FREE signed DISMEMBERING CHRISTMAS poster with your order. Remember, these are region free dvds with exclusive extras you won’t find anywhere else and you must purchase through the link below to receive your free poster.


Killer Extras:
* Audio Commentary with the filmmakers
* Trailer
* Blooper Reel
* “Class of 2004” Yearbook
* Slasher Studios short films (Teddy, Popularity Killer, Blood Brothers)

Don’t Go to the Reunion


Killer Extras:
Audio commentary with Actor/Director Austin Bosley
Audio commentary with Writer/Producer Kevin Sommerfield
Fly on the Set: Making Of Dismembering Christmas
Theatrical Trailer
Teaser Trailer

Dismembering Christmas DVD


A Bloody Good Bash: “The Invitation” (2016) Review


A man and his girlfriend are invited to a dinner party by his ex-wife and her new husband after she disappeared following the death of their son. Also invited are mutual friends from the exes past. As the night goes on, things start out innocent enough, but the man starts to suspect that something is not right about his ex-wife and the new man in her life. It isn’t long before he feels himself start to unravel and question what’s going on around him.

This slow-burn horror/thriller is the latest indie film to really keep my attention. Following the ranks of The Witch, The Invitation takes on a different disguise in making you feel uneasy about what you are seeing. While it certainly isn’t as disturbing, it definitely makes you question yourself as much as the lead is. The group of characters is quite large, when this happened, I found myself thinking that some of the characters may end up being underdeveloped. I was definitely wrong. Each character is very well-developed enough to where you get a strong sense of who they are. And besides the obvious ones, all of the invited guests are likable, which I was also surprised about. I will say that there were certain characters I did want more of, but that’s only because I liked them that much.

For a moment this hardly feels like a horror/thriller, it seems like an innocent get together amongst old friends, but then the rug is just pulled out from underneath you and things suddenly change. I’m not saying it’s super suspenseful, but it is very much on the edge of your seat where you are so engaged and you have no idea how this will all escalate. As I said above, you are also questioning your own sanity as to what you think is real. This is because the film is shown through the point of view of our lead and it perfectly captures how he’s viewing things and we can see why he’s viewing it at that, but we get thrown curveballs that can leave us out in the dark. It’s very rare that I see a film that keeps me as engrossed or questioning what’s going on, and this is definitely one of those films.

As for the cast, each cast members does very well with their parts, but most especially our lead male Logan Marshall-Green as Will. For the reasons stated above, he does a tremendous job as a man questioning not only everyone at the party, but also himself. There are moments of amazing subtlety in his performance and moments where he freaks out and comes off as very realistic, and it’s really easy to feel for him and put yourself in his shoes and just get on his level. Also worth noting is Tammy Blanchard as Will’s ex-wife Enid. She’s another one who does a great job of using subtlety in her performance. There’s just so much in her performance and how she carries herself throughout the movie that makes you question whether she’s trustworthy, or if she is as innocent as she appears. And of course there is John Carroll Lynch who does a great job in his role as the creepy man who appears at the party to where you don’t keep your eyes off him because he comes off as that sketchy.

The Invitation is a solid horror/thriller that keeps you engrossed all the way through with the likable set of characters, a story that keeps you guessing, the escalation of suspense, and just the self-questioning throughout until the intense climax.

–Cody Landman



Slasher Studios Killer DVD & T-Shirt Sale Ends At Midnight

Our killer sale is almost over, slasher friends. Score a Dismembering Christmas shirt for just $10 (regularly $20) or score a Slasher Studios DVD for just $10 (regularly $15) as well. It’s the gory good time that lasts all season long. Don’t delay, both sales end at midnight!






$10 DISMEMBERING CHRISTMAS T-Shirts, While Supplies Last


We are clearing out the very last of our limited edition Dismembering Christmas shirts with a huge blow out sale. From now until March 31st, all t-shirts are currently only $10 instead of the regular price of $20. We have limited quantities and limited sizes so make sure to get one while you still can. Please note: This is only while supplies last. Show off your slasher pride today!



Party Til You Drop Dead: 80’s Slasher Homage PARTY NIGHT Interview


A few weeks ago, we had the chance to chat with Troy Escamilla about his new film, PARTY NIGHT, on Slasher Studios Horror Podcast. Now, we less than two weeks left on the kickstarter, we are bringing you another interview with the man behind the upcoming slasher. Become a backer today (link below) and help share the slasher goodness. Lots of great rewards and it’s going to be a hell of a good time! Miss the podcast? No problem! Check out the link below the kickstarter.


1) What’s your earliest memory of the horror genre?

My earliest memory of the horror genre was when my parents took my brother and me to see Poltergeist. It was rated PG, so they probably didn’t think anything of it, and while it scared the crap out of me, I absolutely LOVED every second of it! My parents caught wind of this and luckily allowed me to explore the genre as I grew up. I have such fond memories of going to my local mom and pop video store back in Iowa each weekend and just being in awe of all the cool and creepy VHS cover art that stared back at me from the horror section.

2) Were you always a fan growing up? Any go-to favorites?

Well, ever since I saw Poltergeist as referenced above, I have been a fan! As far as genre favorites go, my all time favorite horror film is Bob Clark’s Black Christmas. I feel like it is criminally underrated in its influence to the genre. It pre-dated Carpenter’s Halloween by four years and did everything that Halloween gets praised for. Don’t get me wrong, I also love Halloween! Some of my other slasher favorites include Terror Train, Sleepaway Camp, StageFright, Intruder, Hide and Go Shriek, Prom Night, Hell Night and of course, Scream

3) Tell us about Party Night.
Party Night is an 80’s style throwback slasher film that deals with six friends who become prey for a sadistic psychopath when they ditch their school’s after prom party for their own celebration at a secluded house. It really is my love letter to the genre and to slasher fans. I promise is is going to have fans grinning from ear to ear with cool characters, gruesome death scenes, and a kick ass killer! It will be everything that made slasher fans love the genre in the first place.

4) What films/filmmakers did you turn to for inspiration while writing Party Night?

Party Night was inspired by a combination of slasher films and there are references that horror fans are going to get that will make them giddy. However, the one film I had in mind when I was writing Party Night was the 1984 slasher The Mutilator. Though it has its share of problems, it remains one of my favorites from the 80’s simply because I think it encapsulates everything that made these films charming to fans in the first place. I also love the tone and atmosphere of the film along with the creepy and sinister isolated setting.

5) Before we get into the Kickstarter for the film, what’s your plan for production (shooting schedule, cast, etc)

The plan is to begin filming around June 8th. We are tentatively looking at seventeen day shooting schedule. We have our main location already secured, and is perfect for the project. It’s just outside of Houston and is several acres of land. Completely isolated. It also has all of the physical structures that we need and the lake, which has a role in plot of the film. The only disadvantage I can think of is that it will June in Houston! Hot, humid, sticky! We have an amazingly talented young cast in place who are all so passionate about this film. Please just take a second to view each of their introduction videos that are on our Kickstarter campaign page and you will see why they were selected!

6) What are some of the rewards that backers can receive for pledging Party Night?
We have rewards starting at just $1 because seriously, anything helps! For $1, backers will get a social media shout out and receive the first ten pages of the screenplay. A $10 pledge will get you and advanced screening link. $25 will get you the DVD. $100 will get you VIP tickers to the premiere here in Houston. $500 gets an awesome prop from the film! There really are many great perks for all different pledge levels, but the important thing to remember is anything does help!

7) What do you plan to do with the movie after release? Film festivals, dvds, etc.

I am hoping that the film will make its debut in October. Certainly, our Kickstarter supporters will be the first to view it, and we are also planning for a premiere here in Houston. Additionally, the plan is to submit the film to film festivals that cater to the horror genre.

9) What’s your all time favorite horror movie?

As I mentioned above, Black Christmas is definitely my favorite horror film. I also love Psycho, Carrie, and more recently, It Follows.

10) What advice do you have for the next generation of horror filmmakers out there?

If you want to make a film, just go for it. Don’t wait around for that “right time” or for someone to tell you it’s okay. I regret deeply that I have waited so long to follow this dream of mine. We are fortunately living in an era where things like digital film, crowdfunding, and the internet make it much easier and much cheaper to make a film. There really is no excuse.

11) Where can readers go to find out more information on the film?

Become a PARTY NIGHT backer today and help be a part of the slasher goodness:

To listen to the podcast:


Ready to Party: “The Return of the Living Dead” (1985) Review


Another extremely delayed review by yours truly. Two weeks ago I watched The Return of the Living Dead (1985) for the very first time. This was just a random movie I picked out of my collection to watch, with a little help of the “Randomizer” feature on the MOVIST app. This movie is directed by Dan O’Bannon (writer of ‘Alien’). The cast includes: Clu Gulager (A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge), James Karen (Wall Street), Don Calfa (Weekend at Bernie’s), Thom Mathews (Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI), Beverly Randolph (Freaks of Nature), John Philbin (Point Break), Miguel Núñez (Friday the 13th: A New Beginning), Brian Peck (X2), Linnea Quigley (Night of the Demons) and Mark Venturini (Friday the 13th: A New Beginning).

The Return of the Living Dead has been labeled by many as the best (zombie) horror comedy of all-time, so of course I had high expectations. I ended up really liking this movie, but I wasn’t exactly crazy about it like some are. I’ll start off with the positives. It’s a fun watch with loads of clever humor that made me laugh instantly. The acting performances are good, but I was especially impressed by Thom Mathews, Beverly Randolph, Linnea Quigley (gained so much respect for her and I can’t wait to see her in more horror pictures!) and Miguel Núñez. The characters are interesting, but some are better developed than others. The soundtrack is fantastic and suits perfectly with the theme of the movie. The zombies looked absolutely outstanding and Tarman has to be the scariest and funniest looking zombie creature you’ll ever see. At first sight he looks scary as hell, but his actions feel comical because you won’t take it seriously. The Return of the Living Dead is much more a spoof/comedy than a straightforward horror/comedy. The script and dialogue are super 80’s and I must add that this movie had a strong first act. Having that said, there are some negative aspects that need to be mentioned.

The second act of the movie is extremely slow and messes up the strong pace from the first act. Scenes that drag on for long to the point where it feels repetitive. The ending is stupid and feels rushed. It’s a shame when you only know about the fates of the zombies and not about what happened to the main characters you were rooting for to survive. Such a weird note to end a movie with. The story got wrapped up in the most ridiculous way. The Return of the Living Dead is still a hilarious and at times thrilling (zombie) horror/comedy from the mid 80’s with many redeeming qualities. It’s far from perfect, but it’s definitely one you have to see at least once in your life. I’m more than interested in viewing the first two sequels after having seen the original for the first time.

–Ferdi Akkulak


Arrow Video Blu-ray Review: “Deep Red” (1975)



Arrow Video has a habit of knocking releases of Deep Red out of the park. Six years ago Arrow released one of, if not the definitive edition of Deep Red, only to be beat by yet another amazing Arrow Release.

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The special features between the two editions are almost the same, but the new edition comes with a beautiful new transfer from a 4K master, and a visual essay, analyzing Deep Red with a short comparison between Deep Red, and Argento’s earlier giallo The Bird with The Crystal Plumage.


This set is a 3 disk (2 blu ray 1 CD soundtrack) set, featuring the directors cut, the much shorter export cut, and a CD soundtrack. It also comes with an awesome double sided posted featuring two original arts, and 6 original lobby cards, and a fairly large booklet.

If you weren’t one of the lucky people to score a copy of this new set, I believe Arrow is planning a non-limited edition later this year.

Overall, I would rate this set 4 1/2 out of 5 stars. I only wish we could have gotten more new features. That being said, I completely understand why they might not have been able to.

–Alex Aspin

Follow Alex on Instagram for an extra dose of slasher and giallo goodness!


Stay Out of These Woods: Cabin Fever (2016) Review [Remake]


A group of friends go away on a camping trip in the woods and stay in a remote cabin. The locals immediately weird the group out but also warning them that people who have gone into the woods have gotten ill. Brushing off their advice, the friends continue on. Things start out fine, but when a stranger appears with a flesh-eating virus, it isn’t long before the friends start catching it themselves.

This remake of the Eli Roth film (from way back in 2002), is based off of the exact same script. No joke. Everything plays out exactly the same way except for a few circumstantial changes, the last scene, and an unnecessary scene in the credits. Oh and Officer Winston is now a female who resembles a porn star and is pretty much a lesbian. In general this is just a very piss poor movie altogether. The acting is purely awful, with the actors clearly trying way too hard to “act”. Along with this, the characters have zero substance or any particular qualities that make them unique. Thus resulting in us not caring about them at all. It’s not even that they’re unlikable. (except for maybe Bert, who is just straight up annoying), it’s just that there is nothing to them worth caring about.

On top of this, there is zero tension or suspense, there is an attempt to do this with the music, but it is so laughably cheesy. The gore effects range from awful to mediocre, some of the prosthetics involved are so damn obvious it seems like they weren’t even trying. The one thing I will give this is that it was decently-filmed. So in this respect it’s clear where a lot of the money went towards with this film. It also takes itself way too seriously, whereas the original perfectly captured the terror while adding some good dark comedy.

Not only is this one of the worst horror films I’ve seen in my life, but it is hands down the worst remake I’ve seen. Horrible acting, poorly-written characters, bad music, and extremely cheap effects makes you wonder just what the hell they were thinking remaking such a good cult classic. Most remakes at least try to be better than its predecessor, but this doesn’t try at all. If anything this is more of a cheap fan remake that is best left unseen.

–Cody Landman

