Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Favorite Horror Soundtracks

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing their favorite horror movie soundtracks. While they discussed their favorite scores before, they have never talked about the horror movie soundtracks that had them hitting that repeat button.. Make sure to tune in live and find out which soundtracks make the killer cut. Monday August 20th at 10PM central.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Favorite Horror Soundtracks


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast at Flashback Weekend

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios Horror Webcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing last weekend’s 10th anniversary of Flashback Weekend. The celebrities that stood out, the movies that rocked, and the experiences they won’t soon forget. To listen live, tune in tonight at 10PM central! Make sure to call in and share your stories if you were there as well.

Slasher Studios at Flashback Weekend


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Underrated Craven Creations

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing their favorite underrated Craven creations. Movies Wes Craven directed that deserve more credit than they typical receive. Join Slasher Studios Monday August 6th at 10PM central to find out which Craven films made the underrated list. Click on the link below to listen in live or to check out an archive after the episode has aired. Make sure to also check the episode list and catch up on any archived shows you may have missed.

Underrated Craven Creations


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Our Favorite Creature Features

On this week’s webcast of Slasher Studios, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz discussed their favorite creature features. Movies that got underneath their skins with some creepy crawler delights. Did you miss the live airing? No problem, you can listen to an archive below to find out which creature features made the final cut.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Creature Features 08/06 by SlasherStudios | Blog Talk Radio.


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: The Best College Themed Slasher Flicks

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios Horror Webcast our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be dicussing their favorite college themed horror movies. Fraternities, sororities….it doesn’t matter! These horror movies really knew how to score with the scares. Airs live Sunday June 17th at 10PM central. Click on the link below to listen in live or to listen to an archive.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast


The Top Five Worst Horror Movie Mistakes

Did you miss the Slasher Studios Web Cast? Don’t worry, because the archive version is available online now! Listen in as we discusses the all too common pitfalls that horror filmmakers fall into. Check out the preview below and remember…the following mistakes should be probably be avoided.

1) Having a final boy, instead of a final girl.
Horror films (especially the slasher subgenre) can give us something that many other genres can not: a strong, independent female lead. The final girls are able to hold there own and do not need to rely on a boyfriend or anybody else to survive. This is breath of fresh air, as so many films can portray the male as the superior character. It’s great to be able to see the final girl outwit and outsmart the villain to become a memorable heroine.

2) Having an ending that runs on too long.
Not many mistakes are worse than a film that just won’t end! The last reaction a filmmaker wants is a dull audience that is bored and waiting for the credits to roll. So many times, an extra scene is tacked on to no avail. The studio may do this to pad the running time or close the film with closure. Neither are needed and both are terrible excuses to prolong a would-be successful flick. If a story can be told and characters can be developed within 80-90 minutes, then that is what MUST be done. Don’t let your film go from heart pounding to toe tapping because of an unneeded and extended ending.

3) Taking a series to space.
Why so many sequels find themselves floating around in space, is a question that horror fans may never get answered. There is no reason to stray so far away from the previous films within a series. If a film is lucky enough to spawn off multiple sequels, then there is no need to mess with success. Horror fans will not buy into this and sci-fi fans will disregard it as well. If filmmakrs want to make a movie that takes place in space, then they need to create and original story, characters and villains and make it something new.

4) Forgetting the rules established by the original.
Just like the pitfalls involved with taking a franchise to space, forgetting the rules of the original and have adverse effects on a new sequel as well. Remember, consistency is a good thing! Movie goers like to know what they are getting. Audiences want a safe bet when they are spending $10+ on a movie ticket, so why not give them what works, give them what they want and give them what is true to the original.

5) No likable characters or centralized hero.
Nobody wants to spend an hour and a half starring at characters they don’t like or even care about. The audience needs to feel a connection and have an emotional tie to the characters in a film. However, having a nice contrast between likable and non-likable characters is a good aspect to feature in a film. This gives the audience a chance to take sides and root for and against certain characters. This will then draw them into the film to a deeper level and will only help create a more enjoyable experience.

Those are 5 of the 6 mistakes covered in the latest Slasher Studios Web Cast. Check out the archive version to hear the entire episode, and all 6 of the mistakes filmmakers need to avoid when creating a movie.


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Horror Movie Mistakes

This week on Slasher Studios Horror Webcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing the brutal mistakes a filmmaker can make while making a horror flick. Whether it be the writer, director, producer, etc…these are the fatal flaws filmmakers should definitely avoid. Show airs live Sunday June 10th at 10PM central. Click on the link below to listen in live or to listen to a previous episode.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Best New Horror Directors

On this week’s epsiode of Slasher Studios Horror Webcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing their favorite up and upcoming hor new horror directors. Directors that they believe are on the rise and are definitely going places in Hollywood. Make sure to listen in live Sunday October 3rd at 10PM central to find out which directors make the cut! Click on the link below to listen live or to catch a previous episode of Slasher Studios Horror Webcast.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Best Horror Comedies

On this week’s Slasher Studios Horror Webcast we will be discussing our all time favorite horror comedies. Horror movies that made us laugh AND scream. Join us Sunday May 27th at 10PM central at the link below to find out what horror comedies made the final cut! Miss a previous episode? No problem! You can listen to any of our shows archived also at the link below.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Favorite Horror Masks

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios Horror Webcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be going over their favorite horror movie masks. Because, let’s be honest, what’s a good slasher without a really good, creepy mask? Click on the link below to listen in live Sunday night at 10PM central to find out what horror movie masks make the final cut!

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast
