Slasher Studios Horror Webcast On Demand

Make sure to catch up with Slasher Studios on our one and only Slasher Studios Horror Webcast. It airs every Sunday night at 10PM central. Every week we talk about a different topic whether it be Best Villains, Best Final Girls, Best Remakes, etc. You name it, we’ve covered it! Miss a show? Make sure to listen to an archive anytime you want. Simply click on the link below, scroll down to “on demand episodes”, and select the episode that you would like to listen to. It’s that easy! Do you have any ideas for a future webcast? Leave us a comment and we will try to do a show about your idea!

To listen to an archive:
Slasher Studios Horror Webcast


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Best Horror Movie Moms

In honor of Mother’s Day, our hosts of Slasher Studios Webcast, Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz, will be talking about their favorite horror movie moms. Mother moms who knew how to slice and dice with lots of style and knew how to keep it in the family. Show starts Sunday May 13th at 10PM central. Click on the link below to listen in live or to check out an archive of a previous epsiode.

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: “The Evil Dead” Trilogy

This week on Slasher Studios Webcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be taking on the immortal Evil Dead series directed by the one and only Sam Raimi. How well does the original stand up 30 years later? Which of the third films is our personal favorite? What are some of the secrets behind the scenes of each of the productions? Make sure to listen in Sunday night at 10PM central to find out all the gory details!! Let open up this Book of the Dead! Click on the link below to listen in live or to listen to an archive of a previous show:

Slasher Studios Horror Webcast


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: “Creepshow”

On this week’s webcast of Slasher Studios, Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be reviewing the Creepshow trilogy in all its gory glory. Which stories work best? Which stories didn’t work at all? Which installment did we like the best? Join us Sunday night at 10PM central to find out all the details! Click on the link below to listen in live or to catch one of our previous episodes.


Slasher Studios Invites You to “The Slumber Party Massacre”

On a very special webcast, hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz talked to Tony Brown, webmaster of the ultimate Slumber Party Massacre fansite, The Old Hockstatter Place. Special guest stars included Heidi Kozak (star of Slumber Party Massacre II) and story editor Beverly Gray! You bring the pizza, we’ll bring the drill! Click on the link below to listen to an archive of the show!


Slasher Studios Webcast Invites You to “The Slumber Party Massacre”

On a very special webcast, hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be talking to Tony Brown. Brown is the webmaster of the ultimate Slumber Party Massacre fansite, The Old Hockstatter Place. Anything and eveyrthing you’ve ever wanted to know about the cult slasher series will be revealed in all its bloody goodness. Make sure to listen in and call in this Sunday night at 10PM central with any questions you may have about the series. You bring the pizza, we’ll bring the drill! Click on the link below to listen live or to check out one of our previous episodes.


Slasher Studios Horror Webcast: Chicago Fear Fest

This week on the Slasher Studios Horror Webcast we will be talking all about the Chicago Fear Fest and Teddy. Want to know what everyone thought of Teddy? What were Adam Green (Hatchet) and Joe Lynch (Wrong Turn 2) like? How were the other short films? What were some of the crazy things that happened in the windy city? Well, to find out answers to these questions and a whole lot more, listen in to our show tonight at 10PM central. It’s sure to be a hell of a good show and we have some brand new “beary scary” news to share with you!!! To listen in live, click on the link below and the show will start at 10PM central. Did you miss the show or one of our past shows? That’s okay, you can listen to an archive through the link below as well.

Did you watch Teddy and love it? Make sure to pick up your autographed copy today!

To order Teddy:

Teddy DVD


Slasher Studios Webcast: Best Horror Movie Scores

Join Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz each week on Sunday at 10PM as they discuss the world of Slasher Films. On this week’s episode, Kevin and Steve went over their favorite horror movie scores. The scores that made them scared to turn off the lights and added an entirely new dimension to terror. Did you miss the show? Not a problem! Click on the link below to listen to an archive of the show. Most importantly, we want to know what your favorite horror movie scores are!


Slasher Studios Webcast Visits “Sleepaway Camp”

Join Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz each week on Sunday at 10PM as they discuss the world of Slasher Films. On this week’s April Fools Day episode we will be going over the Sleepaway Camp series. The best and the worst of the franchise as well as taking a look at the recently released Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor. Is it worth your money? Which of the films are our personal favorites? Just click on the link below to listen in live (or an archive after it has aired) to find out all the juicy secrets.


Slasher Studios Webcast: Best Horror Movie Chase Scenes

Join our Slasher Studios hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz tonight at 10PM central as they discuss the world of slasher Films. On this week’s special episode, the duo will be going over their favorite chase scenes. After all without good chase scenes, what fun would a slasher be? To listen to live, simply click on the link below tonight at 10PM central. You can also listen to an archive of this show after it has aired or any of our previous shows by clicking on the same link.
