Slasher Studios Stays Up Late With “The Sleeper” Writer/Director Justin Russell

On this tonight’s episode of Slasher Studios, Kevin Sommerfield will be talking to writer and director of the slasher homage “The Sleeper”: Justin Russell. Russell will share his tricks of the trade, the secrets of working in the independent horror genre, and the slasher flicks that changed his life forever. Join us tonight at 10PM central for an interview that will be worth losing sleep over. Miss the show? Don’t worry, you can still click on the link below to listen to an archive.

To buy The Sleeper: The Sleeper


Slasher Studios Loses Sleep with Writer/Director Justin Russell

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios, Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be talking to writer and director of the slasher homage “The Sleeper”: Justin Russell. Russell will share his tricks of the trade, the secrets of working in the independent horror genre, and the slasher flicks that changed his life forever. Join us Sunday March 18th at 10PM central for an interview that will be worth losing sleep over.


Slasher Studios Top 5 Favorite Horror Characters We Love to Hate

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios Webcast we went over our favorite unlikable horror characters. Whether it be the jock, the bitch, the asshole, or all of the above…these are characters that we LOVE to hate.

Click on the link to listen to an archive of the show:

Ally-Sleepaway Camp 2
Ally is the blonde bitch at camp who is oh so popular with the boys. She talks crap, puts out and is not a fan of Angela, who she insists is a lesbian. Angela gets the best of this condescending camper as Ally is plunged into a full outhouse and drowns in the one disgusting death.

Cindy-Sleepaway Camp 3
She’s racists and feisty and thinks she is better than all the other kids at camp. She’s mean spirited and although we love her politically incorrect lines, Cindy deserves every painful moment that Angela inflicts on her. The best part about this character is that she doesn’t look at all like the mean girl she is. She has the girl-next-door look and it comes as a surprise when we are let in to see who she really is.

Melissa-Friday the 13th Part 7
This blonde girl loves her pearls and loves making trouble for poor little Tina. “Is this the way they wear their jackets back at the mental hospital?” She definitely gets what is coming to her as Jason SLAMS his axe into her face.

Jessica-Sorority Row
Jessica is the bitchy sorority sister of Theta Pi who is too attractive for her own good. Audiences love to hate this character because of her mean ways and cruel demeanor, but we here at Slasher Studios think she was just about perfect in every way. Lasting well into the end of the film, Jessica cold easily have lived and come back for a sequel as we loved this unlikable character.

Glazer-The Burning
He’s the dumb bully that really has not one redeeming quality, but is able to serve as the comedic relief as he lusts toward the young Sally. The cruel ways of this cocky jock and one-pump-chump meets an equally cruel death from the very underated Cropsy.

Trey-Freddy Vs. Jason
Almost as self centered as Freddy and Jason are mean. Trey, a beer drinking, chain wearing pretty boy, meets him doom as Jason impales him over and over again in the back with his classic machete before bending him (and the bed) in half in one very memorable death.


Slasher Studios Webcast: Favorite Unlikable Horror Characters

Join Slasher Studios creators Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz this Sunday at 10PM as they discuss the world of slasher Films on the Slasher Studios Webcast. On this week’s episode the duo will be going over their favorite unlikable horror characters. Whether it be the jock, the bitch, the asshole, or all of the above…these are characters that we LOVED to hate.

Click on the link to listen in live or to check out an archive of a past show:


Friends til the End? Slasher Studios Takes on Chucky

This week on the Slasher Studios Webcast our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz discussed the Child’s Play series and decided which of the Chucky installments were worth playing with and which didn’t have more chuck for the buck. If you missed it, click on the link below to listen to an archive of the show or to listen to a different episode. We air every Sunday night at 10PM central.


Slasher Studios: The Best and the Worst of the Friday the 13th Final Girls


On tonight’s episode of Slasher Studios, Kevin Sommerfield and special guest Joshua Schuh went over their favorite and least favorite final girls from the “Friday the 13th” series. Click on the link below to listen to an archive of the show:

Without further ado, here is the official Slasher Studios list of the best and worst Friday the 13th final girls:


1) Ginny-“Friday the 13th Part II” (1981)
Ginny truly is the best of the best when it comes to final girls. A smart girl with a good head on her shoulder, she uses her knowledge of psychology in her battle with the childlike Jason. She isn’t afraid to get dirty and fight and is a true triumph when it comes to final girls. Laurie Strode would be proud.

2) Tina-“Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
While it is true that Tina has an unfair advantage when it comes to being a final girl in that she is telekinetic but even if she wasn’t she would be sure to put up one hell of a good fight. Possibly the most independent of the Friday girls, Tina is trying to get over a nightmare of a childhood (a childhood in which she sadly killed her father) and she isn’t going to let anyone stop her. Jason vs. Tina is a damn good match.

3) Megan-“Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Probably the most likable final girl in the series, Megan is just a tough little cookie who is fun with a bit of an edge. While it can be argued that Tommy is technically the “Final Girl” in this piece as he does have more screen time and more of a back story than our dear Megan, we must remember that a hero is only as good as its heroine. Tommy has definitely found a worthy heroine in Megan.


1) Chris-“Friday the 13th Part 3”
One of the most annoying final girls in the history of final girls. Chris is the kind of annoying, spoiled little princess that you can’t wait to die. The fact that she doesn’t is just an insult in one of the lamer Friday the 13th sequels. It really is too bad because this film was the Friday where Jason received his mask and had a great barn finale. Sadly these are the only two things memorable about this dismal sequel.

2) Pam-“Friday the 13th: A New Beginning” can I put this nicely…Pam is just a little too…old to be a final girl. She seems like she would make a great mom type character but she doesn’t seem believable as a love interest to Tommy and a fighter to Jason. The fact that she spends a good third of her running time running around and falling down in the mud and rain doesn’t help matters much. She seems like a nice girl but bad casting here.

3) Trish-“Friday the 13th: A New Beginning”
I know that I’m in the minority here but I always found Trish to be useless. She walks around for half of the movie looking confused as to what is going on around here and when she does figure it out and people start dying, she needs her brother to save her. Ugh. I don’t like kids in horror movies and I don’t think a child should have to save a young woman entering into adulthood.

To order the ultimate collection: Friday the 13th: The Ultimate Collection (Parts I – VIII + Jason Mask)


Slasher Studios: Horror Movies of 2012

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios, Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing the horror movies of 2012. Movies that are coming out this year that they are excited for, ready for, or just out-and-out dreading. Click on the link below and listen to the show live tonight at 10PM or listen to an archive using the same link after the show has aired.


Slasher Studios Webcast: Best Horror Movies of 2011

While 2011 wasn’t a very memorable horror year, there were several horror movies that we thought stood out from the crowd by either living up to expectations or handily succeeded them. We have two sequels, a wholly original comedy-thriller, and two remakes. All in all a fairly interesting year for horror. On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios, we will be talking about the best horror movies of 2011. Airs tonight at 10PM, click on the link below to listen to the show live or to listen to an archive after the show has aired.


Slasher Studios Webcast: Worst Horror Movies of 2011

On tonight’s show, Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz will be discussing the worst movies of 2011. They will be talking about films that had a chance to be successful, were given the resources needed to make a good film, and proceeded to mess it all up. For shame. Click on the link below to listen to the show live at 10PM central tonight. You can also click on the link to listen to an archive of the show after it has aired or to listen to a previous show. Enjoy slasher fans and Happy New Year!


Slasher Studios: Horror Characters That Should Have Lived

In a twist on last week’s episode of Slasher Studios, Kevin Sommerfield and Steve Goltz went over their picks this week for the horror movie characters that should have lived. These were likable, intelligent horror characters that sadly did not make it to the end credits of their respected slasher film. Click on the link below to listen to an archive of our show.

The Official Slasher Studios Top 5 Horror Characters That Should Have Lived:

5. Jamie-Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
Let’s be honest here, “Halloween 6” makes a lot of mistakes (too many characters, inconsistent editing, a dismal ending…). Not bringing back Danielle Harris to play Jamie was near the top of the mistake list. But, who can blame Danielle for not wanting to return after her character is killed off a mere ten minutes into the film. The storyline her character is given (the druids have kidnapped her and artificially inseminated her with Michael Myers’ sperm?) is too ridiculous for words. Her character deserved more than this and seeing her die tragically trying to save her child is just an insult to fans.

4. Alice-Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
Alice was the original final girl of the original “Friday the 13th” and deserved more in the sequel than just an extended cameo. Hell, her character is died before the main credits have even hit the screen. She was a fighter and not even having a chance to defend herself in her own house while frightening, felt a bit like a cheap blow. She is the only actor in the entire series to come back for a future installment and to later be killed. Maybe the “Friday the 13th” crew learned their lesson with this one.

3. Kristen-Nightmare on Elm Street 4 (1988)
Kristen was a survivor, the very last of the original Elm Street kids, and she is killed off trying to protect her best friend. Heroic? Yes. But something more should have been done with this character. The series never quite recovered handing over the reigns from Kristen to Alice and Alice just felt like a weak replacement. Note to filmmakers, bringing back your survivors just to kill them in the opening scenes of the next film doesn’t add anything to these characters. We have grown to love them. Both the characters and the audience deserve a bit more respect.

2. Helen-I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
On last week’s show I mentioned that Karla was a poor Helen replacement and that girl actually lived through the sequel! Helen is a fighter and she is given one of the best chase scenes of the 1990’s through an eerily vacant department store. The chase is scary as hell and the audience just knows that she will survive to the end. Sadly she is killed just moments before getting help. The movie pulls the rug from underneath the audience and shows that anyone can die. I wish she would have lived but at least she acted intelligently and did everything in her power to survive.

1. Rachel-Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
Here we have it, the single biggest mistake the “Halloween” franchise made. Rachel was smart, resourceful, brave, and extremely intelligent. I would go as far to say that she is the most likable character in the entire series. So it makes sense to kill her minutes into the fifth installment while she acts like a complete idiot. Taking a shower while there might be a killer lurking around? Walking around with a towel on? This is not the Rachel that fans have come to love. She gets scissors in the chest and the movie never recovers. Also, the less said about Tina, the better.

NOTE: Nancy from Nightmare on Elm Street 3 would definitely be my number one but I decided to leave her out as I included her as number one on our other death list.
