First Look: Upcoming Slasher Studios Horror Podcast Schedule


We are about to hit our 200th Slasher Studios Horror Podcast and we are eager to share with you the next few weeks of podcast programming. Shows air live every Wednesday night at 10PM central and an archive of the live show will be available to listen shortly thereafter.

September 10th—Child’s Play, Child’s Play 2, Child’s Play 3 reviews
September 17th—Bride of Chucky, Seed of Chucky, Curse of Chucky
September 24th—Horror Movies We Are Looking Forward to in 2015
October 1st–Horror Movies That Need a Blu-Ray Release
October 8th–Behind the Scenes of Fantom Fest
October 15th–Halloween-Halloween III reviews
October 22nd–Halloween 4-Halloween H20 reviews
October 29th-Halloween Resurrection, Halloween & Halloween II (remakes)

To listen live or to check out an archive:
Slasher Studios Horror Podcast


Slasher Studios Horror Podcast: Return to Final Destination


On a brand new episode of Slasher Studios Horror Podcast, our hosts Andrew Beirl and Kevin Sommerfield will be taking a look at parts 4 and 5 of the Final Destination and discuss where they think the series should go from here. The fun begins at 10PM central so don’t miss your Final Destination…

To listen in live or to check out an archive:
Slasher Studios Horror Podcast: Return to Final Destination


Slasher Studios Podcast: David Zernhelt (The Camp Crystal Lake Diaries)

Slasher Studios Webcast

On this week’s episode of Slasher Studios Horror Podcast, our hosts Andrew Beirl and Kevin Sommerfield will be chatting with author David Zernhelt about his brand new book, The Camp Crystal Lake Diaries : An Exploration Into Friday The 13th. The fun begins Wednesday night at 10PM central so make sure to call in with any questions you may have for David!

To listen live or to check out an archive:
Slasher Studios Podcast: David Zernhelt (The Camp Crystal Lake Diaries)


Slasher Studios Horror Podcast: Dismembering Christmas Cast & Crew


On a brand new episode of Slasher Studios Horror Podcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Andrew Beirl will be chatting with the cast and crew of Dismembering Christmas about the film as well as their current kickstarter.

A tribute to the glory days of holiday horror, Dismembering Christmas can best be described as Friday the 13th meets Black Christmas. Have you ever wanted a Friday the 13th set in the winter? did Slasher Studios and that’s why they created this movie just for you. Practical effects from beginning to end, likable characters, and a kick ass final girl…what more could you want in a slasher? PLOT It was supposed to be a holiday vacation they would never forget, not a holiday vacation they would never survive. When Mark and his friends go up to his fathers new vacation home for Christmas vacation, they were ready for a fun time. Out in the middle of nowhere, the house is cheerfully decorated for Christmas. But an unknown visitor is there, and one by one they are murdered. Its Christmas and not a creature is stirring except the killer in the house…

Become a backer and find out more information (including cast & crew info):

To listen to the podcast live or to check out an archive:
Slasher Studios Horror Podcast: Dismembering Christmas Cast & Crew


Slasher Studios Podcast: A Return to ELM STREET (Part III)


On a brand new Slasher Studios podcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Andrew Beirl will be looking at the killer “dream” series A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET. This week they will be reviewing Freddy Vs. Jason as well as The Nightmare on Elm Street remake. Make sure to stay up late for this one. Wednesday night at 10PM central.

To listen in live or to check out an archive:


Slasher Studios Interview: Jayme Karales (Practice Makes Perfect)

On this week’s special episode of Slasher Studios podcast, we will be interviewing Director Jayme Karales about his upcoming movie Practice Makes Perfect. Show airs live Monday night, July 21st at 10PM central.

About the film:

Paul Brokovich (Michael Malkiewicz) is an english teacher by day and a stand up comedian by night. Unfortunately Paul’s interest in becoming a recognized comic greatly outweighs his desire to educate the struggling students of his summer school class at Parkins’ Regional High. His indecisiveness to stick to one career path leads Paul to no longer view his classroom as a place of learning, but a crowd to test potential stage material. As a result, Paul’s job as a teacher falls into jeopardy and it’s up to him to pick up the pieces before facing unemployment and isolation from his family and friends. Practice Makes Perfect also stars Jayme Karales, Alex Hand, Ken Dereste Dorcely, Levar Burton, and Jack Viera as the voice of radio personality Billy Beantown.

Become a backer today on the official Practice Makes Perfect kickstarter:

To listen in live or to check out an archive:
SS Interview: Jayme Karales & Michael Malkiewicz (Practice Makes Perfect)


Slasher Studios Podcast: A Return to ELM STREET


On a brand new Slasher Studios podcast, our hosts Kevin Sommerfield and Andrew Beirl will be looking at the killer “dream” series A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET. This week they will be reviewing the first three installments in the series with 4-6 to come next week and 7, as well as the remake, the following week. Make sure to stay up late for this one. Wednesday night at 10PM central.

To listen in live:
Slasher Studios Podcast: A Return to ELM STREET
