Have you seen our slasher shorts Teddy and Popularity Killer yet? Well here is your chance to not only watch them but to help us get to the horror final rounds at SeeFlik. It’s easy to do, just click on the links below to vote for our films. Just click FLIK, that’s all you gotta do! You can long in using your facebook or your twitter accounts and you are ready to go! Thank you everyone for the support that you’ve shown our films lately and let’s see these two slashers get to the finals!
“SeeFlik is designed to be the most student/alumni friendly festival ever created. There is a simple online application and upload process with no cost to the filmmaker. Once we affirm your status as a current or former student, we post the film and you are entered in the competition. It’s that simple. If we have 4,000 entries, all 4,000 films are entered in the competition. Additionally, we will have two to three competitions per year. We are awarding $50,000 per competition in prizes plus a winner’s showcase for talent agencies, studios and networks. Finally, our judging is conducted in two ways: first, a traditional judging panel comprised of some of the most important screenwriters and producers in Hollywood today and second, you the viewer who can also vote for his/her favorite film much like American Idol.”
To vote for Popularity Killer:
To vote for Teddy: